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Data Management licensing


Data Management Enterprise uses a site license model. This is the most flexible Data Management configuration, enabling you to deploy servers and clients on multiple computers. The workstation license model is a simplified Data Management license in which the Site Server, Execution Server and client all run on the same computer, and access is restricted to single-computer execution and design. Workstation licenses are typically limited to two CPU cores.

Execution Server licenses

Data Management Execution Servers are licensed by execution power as measured in CPU cores. Your license specifies the maximum number of CPU cores enabled in Data Management Execution Servers across an entire site. The CPU core limit is a floating license—Execution Servers can be added and removed at any time, up to the maximum number of CPU cores allowed. The number of active Execution Servers is determined by the total number of cores licensed. For example:

  • Licensed: 2 cores

  • Execution Servers:

    • First: 8 cores. 2 cores are enabled.

    • Second: 4 cores. Not activated.

  • Licensed: 12 cores

  • Execution Servers:

    • First: 8 cores. 8 cores are enabled.

    • Second: 8 cores. 4 cores are enabled.

Client licenses

Data Management clients obtain licenses by checking them out from the Site Server upon logon. There are two kinds of client licenses:

  • Floating licenses are checked out to a client when it starts, and are checked back in when the client is closed.

  • Locked licenses are checked out to a client when it starts, and remain attached to that client for 30 days. (You can relinquish a client license earlier by contacting Data Management Support).

Running the Data Management client in a Windows Terminal Services (WTS) logon requires a floating license for each session; however, since Data Management clients are fully remote, WTS is no longer necessary for remote access. Remote desktop connections into workstations running a non-server version of Windows are not treated as WTS logons, so you can access your own workstation remotely using the same license.

Activate a license

In Data Management, only the Site Server has a license. The Execution Servers and clients "check out" temporary licenses from the Site Server.

To install a license

  1. Perform an Enterprise installation, or perform a Repository installation and then a client-only installation on your desktop or laptop.

  2. Start the client.

  3. Enter the Site Server Hostname (this is localhost if you are running the client on the server).

  4. In the User name and Password boxes, enter Administrator.

  5. Choose Select Execution Server and choose an Execution Server.

  6. Select OK. The client will start, and a Client is not licensed for design message will appear.

Activate your license:

  • If you received an activation code from Redpoint Global Inc. Support, enter this code in the box.

  • If you have an existing Data Management license file, select Provide License File, and then browse to your saved license key and select Open.

To confirm license status, review the information displayed on the Licensed Features tab on the Management Dashboard.

You can also open the Activate License window by selecting License from the File menu, or from the Licensed Features section of the Management dashboard.

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