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Salesforce tools

To use the Salesforce Input and Salesforce Output tools, you need a account with username and password. You also need to know the URL for the Salesforce SOAP endpoint.

Salesforce tool shared settings

Data Management's Salesforce tools use shared settings, which allows you to define a single set of configuration properties (typically access credentials) to share across multiple tools in your Data Management Site. You can override these settings on a per-tool basis by opening the Shared settings section on the tool's Properties pane, selecting Override shared settings, and specifying values for that specific tool.

To define Salesforce shared tool settings

  1. Open the Tools folder under Settings in the repository.

  2. Select the Salesforce tab, and then configure the tool properties for your environment:


The URL for the Salesforce SOAP endpoint, typically of the form:


Your Salesforce username.


Your Salesforce password (or Key Vault reference), concatenated with your Salesforce security token. See Salesforce's SOAP API developer guide for details.

Working directory

Optional location where working files will be stored. If not specified, defaults to the location specified by the JVM's system property, which is OS specific.

To configure default shared tool settings from a Salesforce tool's Properties pane, open the Shared settings section, and select Edit default settings.

To override Salesforce tool shared settings

  1. Select the desired Salesforce tool, and then go to the Configuration tab on the Properties pane.

  2. Open the Shared settings section, select Override shared settings, and specify new values for the tool.

Salesforce data types

Salesforce data types translate to the following Data Management data types:

Salesforce type

Data Management type































Salesforce Input

The Salesforce Input tool retrieves data objects from Salesforce by executing a Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) query. SOQL is similar to the SELECT statement in Structured Query Language (SQL) but is designed specifically for Salesforce data.

Data Management's Salesforce Input tool supports a limited subset of SOQL functionality:

  • COUNT, ROLLUP, SUM, GROUP BY CUBE, OFFSET, and nested SOQL queries (e.g., Join and Relationships) are not supported.

  • Result size must be less than 1 GB.

  • Processing must be completed in less than two minutes.

  • A query will be attempted a maximum of 15 times, with each query limited to 10 minutes or less.

You may optionally include deleted and merged records in the returned data.

Salesforce Input tool configuration parameters

The Salesforce Input tool has a single set of configuration parameters in addition to the standard execution options:


If selected, the query will be performed via the low-latency Salesforce Partner API. This option is only suitable for processing individual records or small record batches. You must enable this when using the Salesforce tools in a Data Management real-time web service.

Real-time batch size

If Real-time is selected, specifies the maximum size of each batch sent to the Partner API.


Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) query to execute.

COUNT, ROLLUP, SUM, GROUP BY CUBE, OFFSET, and nested SOQL queries (e.g., Join and Relationships) are not supported.

Include deleted records in results

If selected, deleted and merged records will be included in the returned data.

Enable debug logging

If selected, additional diagnostic messages are sent to the Message Viewer and working files are not deleted after tool execution.

Override shared settings

If selected, uses the Endpoint, Username, Password, and Working directory defined in the tool properties rather than the Salesforce tool shared settings defined in the repository.

Configure the Salesforce Input tool

Before configuring a Salesforce tool, you should have a Salesforce connection defined in shared settings.

  1. Select the Salesforce Input tool, then select the Configuration tab.

  2. Optionally, select Real-time and specify the Real-time batch size. You must enable this when using the Salesforce tools in a Data Management real-time web service.

  3. Specify an SOQL Query.

  4. Optionally, select Include deleted records in results to include deleted and merged records in the returned data.

  5. Optionally, select Enable debug logging to generate diagnostic messages and retain working files after tool execution.

  6. Optionally, override shared settings.

  7. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

Salesforce Output

The Salesforce Output tool is used to insert, update, and delete Salesforce data objects.

Salesforce Output tool configuration parameters

The Salesforce Output tool has one set of configuration parameters in addition to the standard execution options:


Specifies the operation to be performed: Insert, Update, or Delete.


When Operation is set to Update and this option is selected, updates are performed via low-latency Partner API. This option is only suitable for low-volume updates. You must enable this when using the Salesforce tools in a Data Management real-time web service.

Real-time batch size

When Real-time updates is selected, specifies the size of each batch sent to the Partner API.

ID field

Specifies the field in the input record containing the Salesforce object's ID. This is only available for Update and Delete operations.

Load object types

Retrieves the available object types and populates the Object type list.

Object type

Specifies the object type on which the Salesforce Output tool will operate. Available fields for the selected object type populate the Output field drop-down in the Field mapping data grid.

Field mapping

Specifies the fields to be included in the operation. Only available when Operation is set to Insert or Update. Input field specifies the source field from the input record. Output field specifies the destination field in the Salesforce object.

Enable debug logging

If selected, additional diagnostic messages are sent to the Message Viewer and working files are not deleted after tool execution.

Override shared settings

If selected, uses the Endpoint, Username, Password, and Working directory defined in the tool properties rather than the Salesforce tool shared settings defined in the repository.

Configure the Salesforce Output tool

Before configuring a Salesforce tool, you should have a Salesforce connection defined in shared settings.

  1. Select the Salesforce Output tool, and then go to the Configuration tab on the Properties pane.

  2. Specify the Operation: Insert, Update, or Delete.

  3. Optionally, select Real-time and specify the Real-time batch size. You must enable this when using the Salesforce tools in a Data Management real-time web service.

  4. Optionally, override shared settings.

  5. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

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