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Admin: Load web cache data task setup

The Load web cache system task (turned off by default) is responsible for loading cached visitor data into a series of dedicated data warehouse tables, and/or to a log file. To set the task up, please follow these steps:

  1. Create a new RPIWebCacheData queue, using your queue provider of choice.

  2. Ensure the CacheOutputQueuePath app setting references the aforementioned queue.

  3. Ensure that at least one of the following system configuration settings is set to true:

    1. WebCacheOutputToDatabase

    2. WebCacheOutputToFile

  4. In the RPI System Configuration configuration interface, ensure RPIWebCacheData is set to the path of the queue.

  5. Ensure that app setting CacheOutputQueueEnabled is set to true.

Realtime configuration options

There are various configuration items that impact if the Realtime data is extracted from the Realtime Cache to either a set of files and/or the database. If you were to extract to files vs. the database, you can use the ERD above to determine how to join the data in the files together or the structure required to load the data to a database.

System config setting



Configures the system to write the cache data to the database (when set to true) or not (when set to false).


Determines if the Web Event data should also be extracted from the cache (when set to true) or not (when set to false).


Determines if the cache data should be extracted to files (when set to true) or not (when set to false).


When WebCacheOutputToFile is set to true, use this setting to configure the directory path where the files get written.


When this is set to true then the field named fields in the RPI_WebFormSubmission table will be populated with a JSON object that contains the key/value pairs that relate to the objects that are configured in the form. If it is set to false, then the RPI_WebFormFieldSubmission table will be populated with a row for each of the objects that are in the form.

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