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Admin: Realtime cache setup


In order for RPI realtime decisions to be used, a caching mechanism must be made available, and configuration performed to ensure that the RPI Realtime application can make use of the same. The following sections describe how to configure RPI Realtime to use each of these.

Note that setup of each cache technology is beyond the scope of this documentation. 

Cassandra cache configuration 

In the RPI Realtime appsettings. json file’s CacheSettings section, add the following: 

  "Name": "Default",
  "Assembly": "Redpoint.Resonance.CassandraCachehe",
  "Class": "Redpoint.CassandraCache.CassandraCacheHandler",
  "Settings": [
      "Key": "Keyspace",
      "Value": "rpi",
      "Values": null
      "Key": "ContactPoints",
      "Value": "server1,server2",
      "Values": null
      "Key": "Username",
      "Value": "CassandraUser",
      "Values": null
      "Key": "Password",
      "Value": "Password",
      "Values": null

MongoDB cache configuration

In the RPI Realtime appsettings. json file’s CacheSettings section, add the following: 

  "Name": "Default",
  "Assembly": "Redpoint.Resonance.MongoDBCache",
  "Class": "Redpoint.Resonance.MongoDBCache.MongoDBCacheHandler",
  "Settings": [
      "Key": "Server",
      "Value": "Server"
      "Key": "Port",
      "Value": "Port"
      "Key": "Database",
      "Value": "Database"
      "Key": "CollectionName",
      "Value": "CollectionName"
    "Key": "IDasKeyEnabled",
    "Value": true

Note the IDasKeyEnabled  parameter, which, when enabled (the recommended setting), ensures records are written and retrieved from MongoDB using the native Mongo _id field instead  of "Key" field.

The following Settings can be used to configure Partition Key functionality: 

  • PartitionKeyEnabled (default value = false) 

  • PartitionKeys (default values 'FieldName1' and 'FieldName2') 

The following additional parameters are also supported at MongoDB cache: 

  • Ssl 

  • ReplicaSet 

  • ConnectionString: e.g.: 

"Key": "ConnectionString",
"Value": "mongodb://localhost:27017"

If a ConnectionString is provided, the Server, Port, Username, Password, ssl and ReplicaSet parameters are ignored.  Provision of the Database parameter is mandatory, CollectionName and MessageHistoryCollectionName optional. 

SQL server cache configuration 

When using the RPI SQL Server native cache provider, scripts to set up SQL Server in-memory cache tables are available in the following deployment files folder: 

\DeploymentFiles\SQL Server\Useful Scripts\Realtime In Memory Cache Setup.sql

Notes are provided therein, which should be read before executing the scripts. 

An example SQL Server cache configuration section from appsettings.json is provided below: 

"Name": "InMemorySQL",
"Assembly": "RedPoint.Resonance.Web.Shared",
"Class": "RedPoint.Resonance.Web.Shared.Cache.SQLServerCache",
"Settings": [
"Key": "ConnectionString",
"Value": "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorksDW;Integrated

Google BigTable cache configuration

Able to support Google BigTable for Realtime API Cache provider

The following settings must be configured in Realtime API appsettings.json:


Redis configuration

This section describes how to configure the RPI Realtime website to utilize the Redis caching mechanism.

In the RPI Realtime appsettings. json file’s CacheSettings section, add the following:

"Name": "Redis",
"Assembly": "Redpoint.Resonance.RedisCache",
"Class": "Redpoint.Resonance.RedisCache.RedisCacheHandler",
"Settings": [
"Key": "IPAddress",
"Value": ""
"Key": "DisableMGET",
"Value": true

Note the DisableMGET setting; this is used to toggle whether the cache provider will use multi-key operations.

Azure Redis cache configuration

This section describes how to configure the RPI Realtime website to utilize the Windows Azure Redis caching mechanism.

In the RPI Realtime appsettings. json file’s CacheSettings section, add the following:

"Name": "AzureRedis",
"Assembly": "RedPoint.Azure.Server",
"Class": "RedPoint.Azure.Server.AzureRedisCache.AzureRedisCacheHandler",
"Settings": [
"Key": "ConnectionString",
"Value": “_azure connection string_"
"Key": "DisableMGET",
"Value": true

Note the DisableMGET setting; this is used to toggle whether the cache provider will use multi-key operations.

CosmosDB cache configuration

An example CosmosDB cache configuration section from appsettings.json is provided below:

"Name": "AzureCosmosDB",
"Assembly": "RedPoint.Resonance.DocumentDBCache",
"Class": "RedPoint.Resonance.DocumentDbCache.DocumentDBCacheHandler",
"Settings": [
"Key": "DatabaseId",
"Key": "ConnectionString",
"Key": "ContainerName",
"Value": "<NAME>"

The ContainerName setting will be used as the table name to be created in CosmosDB. Its ‘id’ column will be used as the PartitionKey (indicated by a prefix '/' in the Azure portal).

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