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Admin: RPI Realtime decisions - Enable trace logging in Azure App Service

By default, the RPI Realtime API configuration file appsettings.json.config is set up to write logs to the following location when deployed on a traditional IIS Server:

"LogDirectory": "C:\\RedPoint\\Web Processing\\Logs",
"FileName": "EntryLog_"

This, however, will fail to generate a log file if deployed within an Azure App Service as the c:\ drive for the instances that run App Service is not exposed to the application. The alternative is to configure the logging to write to D:\Home which is available to the app.

Other than that, setting up logging is exactly the same as described in the admin guide:

  1. Set the desired trace level within the "File": block.

  2. Set your "LogDirectory": to "D:\\Home".

This assumes that your application is deployed to the root of the app service. In case where it's deployed to a different path, the Realtime API will not be able to write to D:\Home, so adjust the path accordingly.

Example: if your web app is deployed to /rprtd then LogDirectory should be modified to D:\\Home\\site\\wwwroot\\rprtd.

Here's an example:

Azure App service 1.PNG

After making this change logs will be written to D:\Home which translates to the root of the app service once logged in via FTP.

Azure App service 2.PNG

Turning on logging, especially verbose logging, will impact the performance of the Realtime API. Anything higher than "Error" level logging should only be left on when debugging an issue.

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