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Data Connectors

The Data Connectors interface is used to create and manage Data Connectors.

Data Connectors allow you to transfer data, on a repeating basis, to a third party. Data connectors provide a simpler way to effect data integration without the unnecessary overhead inherent in performing this task using an interaction.

The following types of Data Connector are currently supported:

  • Data Extract: facilitates the regular export of data to a file from RPI.

  • Realtime Cache: facilitates the regular transfer of RPI data to visitor profiles within the RPI Realtime cache.

The following types of data connector facilitate the regular transfer of data from RPI to an external provider:

  • Data Onboarding:

    • Google Ads Customer Match

  • Email

    • Salesforce Marketing Cloud

    • SendGrid

The Data Connectors interface is displayed in its own tab in the RPI framework. It contains the following elements:

  • Toolbar

  • Data Connectors list

  • Toolbox

Data connectors are supported in both SQL and NoSQL environments.

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