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Email service provider: LuxSci

Account configuration

LuxSci configuration covers the following activity:

  • Creating an API Integration

  • How to Retrieve API Integration Keys

Creating an API integration

  1. In a web browser, navigate to .

  2. Log into your account as an account administrator.

  3. Go to Account Administration.

  4. Open up Account Settings > API.

  1. Click on Add an API Integration.

    1. Enter a name for the Integration.

    2. Select a scope.

    3. Press Create Integration.

How to retrieve API integration keys

  1. In a web browser, navigate to .

  2. Log into your account as an account administrator.

  3. Go to Account Administration.

  4. Open up Account Settings > API.

  5. Find API Integration.

  6. Click on the Pencil icon to view/edit the API Integration details.

  7. Under Access Controls, make sure below settings are checked:

    1. View Reports

    2. Read access

    3. Write access

    4. Templates

    5. Sending

    6. Suppression

Save the API Host, Public Token, and Secret Key values as you will need this to configure an RPI LuxSci channel.

Additional resources

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