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FTP Location actions

Create New FTP Location

This is carried out in the toolbar. Invocation of this option adds a new FTP location to the grid. Its name is “New Location” (if a location with that name already exists, an integer is appended and can be incremented if required). Its state is Added. The new FTP location is selected automatically.

Configure Existing FTP Location

This is carried out in the simple fields in the Selected FTP Location Details section, by selecting a single existing FTP location. If you configure an FTP location that has been saved previously, its state is set to Edited.

Delete Selected FTP Locations

This is carried out in the toolbar. If you delete an FTP location that has been saved previously, its State is set to Deleted, and its row’s text color set to red. You may no longer select a deleted row. If you delete a location that is yet to be saved, it is removed from display. You can delete multiple FTP locations concurrently. Delete is not protected by an “Are You Sure?” dialog.

Note that, if you attempt to delete an FTP location in use in another context (e.g. by a Data Extract channel), a Validation Issues dialog will be presented at Save, and you will not be able to proceed with the deletion.

Save Changes to FTP Locations

Save is carried out using the Save changes to FTP Locations toolbar button. Any changes you have made are validated, and any validation errors are advised in a dialog. You may not proceed with the Save until you have resolved them. 

Following a successful save, FTP locations are displayed in alphabetical order. All locations' states are updated to Unchanged. Any deleted FTP locations are removed from display.


This option reloads the contents of the interface from the operational database. If changes have been made, a “Save Changes?” dialog is shown.

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