Group: Database
Name | Description |
AWSPerformCOPYFromS3 | Indicates whether COPY command will be issued when importing records. |
AWSRedshiftDistributionStyle | If set, DISTSTYLE is used for all RPI-generated tables. Values are 0=AUTO, 1=EVEN, 2=KEY, ALL=3. |
AWSRetainCOPYGeneratedFilesInS3 | Indicates whether files (*.gz) generated for COPY bulk import will be retained. |
AWSSourceS3BucketName | Fully qualified name of AWS S3 external content provider and bucket name to use. |
AzureSQLDWDistributionType | If set, offer history tables will be created either ROUND_ROBIN=0 or HASH=1. |
AzureSQLDWDropStatisticsOnTempTables | If set, statistics will be dropped on all temp tables created. |
DatabaseInsertBatchLimit | Insert batch size limit used by specific databases when inserting and updating rows. |
DatabaseSpecificRetryableErrorEnabled | Controls if query execution can be retried when 'Invalid object name' database error has occurred. |
DB2RunStatsEnabled | If set, allows RUNSTATS on all generated tables and indexes. |
DisableDatabaseObjectQualification | Indicates whether to fully qualify database object names. |
GoogleBigQueryUseInformationSchema | If set, the INFORMATION_SCHEMA will be used to retrieve tables and views. |
OfferHistoryStatesInsertBatchLimit | Batch size limit used by specific databases when inserting rows into Offer History States table. |
OracleAudienceTempTablesIndexDisabled | If set, disables indexing on all audience temp tables. |
OracleDegreeOfParallelism | Indicates the DOP for single database or cluster configurations. |
OracleDMLSessionParallelismEnabled | If set, allows DML session parallelism. |
OracleOptimizerDynamicSamplingLevel | Overrides the level [0 - 8] of optimizer_dynamic_sampling configuration at a session level. |
OracleRunTableStats | If set, run statistics on tables. |
OracleTempTablesParallelismEnabled | If set, allows parallelism on all temporary tables. |
OracleTempTablesPKConstraintDisabled | If set, disables the primary key constraint on all Dataflow_XXX temp tables. |
OracleUseDirectPathInsert | If set, direct-path hint will be appended into INSERT-SELECT queries on all audience temp tables. |
OracleUseHashEnabled | If set, allows USE_HASH hint on all sub-queries. |
PostgresUseReplicaIdentity | If set, REPLICA IDENTITY is used to create all RPI-generated audience tables. |
SnowflakeMaxRetries | The maximum number of retries the system will make to re-execute Snowflake query from the database. |
SnowflakeMaxRetryDelay | The maximum delay length in seconds between retries when re-executing Snowflake query from the database. |
SQLServerDisableRowLockHint | If set, ROWLOCK will be disabled from INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE queries on all RPI-generated tables. |
SQLServerIndexTempTables | Controls if indexes are created on temporary audience tables. |
SQLServerUseColumnStoreIndexTempTables | Controls if clustered column store indexes are created on temporary audience tables. |
SQLServerUseCountBig | If set, queries will use the Count_Big statement instead of Count. |
SQLServerUseCreateTableInsert | If set, CREATE TABLE and INSERT is used to create all RPI-generated audience tables. |
SQLServerUseCrossApplyOHStatesInsert | If set, CROSS APPLY clause is used when inserting records into Offer History States table |
SQLServerUseIdentityTempTables | If set, identity is used to generate unique id for temporary audience tables. |
SQLServerUseSelectIntoOverUpdate | If set, SELECT INTO query is used to update records from a temporary audience table. |
SQLServerUseTabLockHint | If set, TABLOCK hint will be appended into INSERT-INTO queries on all RPI-generated temporary tables. |
SQLServerUseTempFlagTables | Uses intermediate tables in SQL Server when creating attribute flag fields. |
SQLServerUseWildcardCount | If set, queries will use the COUNT(*). Otherwise, queries will use the COUNT({primary key}). |
TeradataIndexTempTables | Controls if indexes are created on temporary audience Teradata tables. |
TeradataUsePrimaryIndex | If set, PRIMARY INDEX is used for all RPI-generated tables. Otherwise, PRIMARY KEY will be used. |
TeradataUseTableCharacterSet | RPI-generated tables character set; 1 = UNICODE, 2 = LATIN, or 0 = Don't specify the constraint. |
YellowbrickDistributionType | If set, DISTRIBUTE is used for all RPI-generated tables. Values are 0=COLUMN, 1=REPLICATE, 2=RANDOM. |