Group: Personalization
Name | Description |
AlertEmailSubjectPrefix | Optional subject prefix to be applied to all alert emails. |
AnalysisPanelMapPageSize | Size of pages returned by the map analysis functionality. |
AnalysisPanelMaxResultsPerAttribute | Maximum number of values per attribute for the pivot table or crosstab panels. |
AnalyzePageSize | Size of page returned by the analysis panel functionality. |
AnalyzeResultSetSize | Total size of the result set persisted by the analysis panel functionality. |
AttributeValueListSize | Number of distinct values cached and displayed for an attribute. |
AttributeValueTableLevel | Switches value counts to be at the table level. If off, counts will be at the resolution level. |
AudienceOutputValidationSize | The sample size for audience output validation files. |
AuditAudienceFieldUsage | Indicates if all field/table usage within audiences should be audited. |
ButtonImageFacebookLike | Image asset to use as the Facebook like button image. |
ButtonImageFacebookVisit | Image asset to use as the Facebook visit button image. |
ButtonImageForwardToFriend | Image asset to use as the forward to a friend image. |
ButtonImageLine | Image asset to use as the Line button image. |
ButtonImageQuora | Image asset to use as the Quora button image. |
ButtonImageReddit | Image asset to use as the Reddit button image. |
ButtonImageAlchemer | Image asset to use as the Alchemer button image. |
ButtonImageSurveyMonkey | Image asset to use as the SurveyMonkey button image. |
ButtonImageTwitterFollow | Image asset to use as the Twitter follow button image. |
ButtonImageTwitterTweet | Image asset to use as the Twitter tweet button image. |
CatalogRPITempTables | Show RPI generated temporary audience and interaction tables in the database catalog. |
ChartQueryTimeout | The query timeout in seconds for executing chart widget queries. |
DataImportColumnsMax | The number of columns that can be processed in a Data Import definition. |
DataImportPreviewRowsMax | The number of rows that will be shown in the file preview. |
DataImportReadBatchSize | The number of rows per batch when processing the Data Import. |
DataImportRowsMax | The number of rows that can be processed by the Data Import. |
DataVisualizationNoRows | Maximum number of rows displayed by the data visualization interface. |
DaysToRetainStagedContent | Number of days staged email content is retained for review purposes. |
DefaultWikiPage | Wiki Page that is displayed when the Wiki Browser is invoked. |
DiagnosticsTelemetryTimespan | Number of days of general telemetry to capture with workflow diagnostics. |
EnableNonNestedStyleWaterfallReport | If checked, selection waterfall reports will revert to the non-nested format. |
EnablePulseMessages | Enables Pulse messaging functionality within the client. |
InteractionFailureAlertsAttachZip | If set, the interaction failure alerts will include an attachment of diagnostic files. |
LongQueryTraceLimit | The time in seconds to wait before a SQL trace log is added for long running queries. |
LongRunningActivityThreshold | The number of minutes an activity can execute before a long running activity alert is sent. |
LongRunningTaskThreshold | The number of minutes a system task can execute before a long running task alert is sent. |
MaxActivitiesPerInteraction | Maximum number of activities that can be added to an interaction. |
MaxBlocksDisplayedPerWorkspace | Maximum number of blocks that will be displayed in the audience designer. |
MaxCellListTemplateCells | Maximum number of cells that can be added to a cell list. |
MaxChannels | Maximum number of channels that can be configured. |
MaxDashboardApprovalFiles | Maximum number of files shown by the approval widget. |
MaxDashboardWidgets | Maximum number of widgets allowed per dashboard. |
MaxEmailImageSize | Maximum file size of an image that may be utilized in an email template (size in kilobytes). |
MaxFileSearchPageSize | Maximum number of searches returned for a single file search page. |
MaxNoGeofencePoints | Maximum number of points permitted for a geofence. |
MaxItemsPerWorkspace | Maximum number of items that can be added to a designer workspace. |
MaxNoDynamicContentInstances | Maximum number of dynamic content variations that can be viewed and tracked for each offer. |
MaxNoDynamicTestSendEmails | Maximum number of dynamic content variations sent during a test email send. |
MaxPulsesInList | Maximum number of pulses shown in the list. |
MaxTableSearchRows | Maximum number of rows returned by a table search. |
MaxTabsPerClientSession | Maximum number of tabs that can be open at once within a client's session. |
MaxTriggersPerInteraction | Maximum number of triggers that can be added to an interaction. |
MaxValuesCompareToList | Maximum number of values allowed when comparing an attribute to a list. |
MaxValuesDatabaseManagedList | Maximum number of values to return for a database managed list. |
OfferHistoryDetailsSandboxEnabled | If set, test runs of interactions will write to a sandbox version of the offer history details table. |
OperationsWikiPageID | Wiki Page that is available from the Operations Page. |
PulseRefreshFrequency | Pulse list refresh frequency (seconds). |
RealtimeTrackerPageSize | The page size used in the background to load the realtime tracker results. |
RegionLanguageCodes | The list of region/language codes used to localize content. |
RuleTimezoneOverride | The timezone used by rule criteria. Defaults to the server timezone if left blank. |
SingleViewAlternativeConnectionString | The connection string to use for querying the single customer view offer history tables. |
SingleViewDisableTimeline | If set, the event timeline will not be shown with the single customer view. |
SingleViewUseAlternativeOfferHistoryDB | If set, the SingleViewAlternativeConnectionString will be used to query the offer history timeline. |
SQLPerformanceCountersEnable | If checked, SQL Server performance counters will be displayed in System Health. |
TelemetryReportEmails | A list of emails the Telemetry report will be sent to. |
UsersFolderID | Folder which contains all user folders. |
WidgetCountDailyRefreshInterval | Minimum number of minutes between the refreshes of the count widget`s daily total. |
WidgetTimezoneOverride | The timezone used by widgets, defaults to the server timezone if left blank. |
WordCloudExclusions | A list of exclusion words to be applied to all word cloud results. |