Group: Web
Name | Description |
EnableRPIRealtimeServices | Adds RPI realtime scripts to landing pages and sends relevant metadata to the realtime services. |
FormSubmissionPersistFieldsAsJSON | If set, form data will be persisted in a single JSON field. |
FormSubmissionProcessingURL | The web URL used to submit web form. If blank, default is /RPIFormValidation/WebFormProcessor.aspx. |
FormSubmissionQueuePath | The path of the queue to pick up web form submissions waiting to be processed. |
LandingPageJavascriptLibraryURL | The website containing the landing page javascript libraries. If blank, the default relative path is used. |
MaxRowsPerCachedTable | Max # rows permitted for cached attribute list when persisted as table in realtime cache. |
QueueReaderTaskBatchSize | The maximum batch size read from a task queue per request. |
RealtimeAPIAddress | The server address for the RPI realtime API. |
RealtimeAPICredentials | The credentials used to access the Realtime API. |
RealtimeAPIKey | Realtime API service access key. |
RealtimeAPIPublishAddresses | If supplied, assets will be published to each listed address instead of the RealtimeAPIAddress. |
RealtimeAPIUseCredentials | If set, the Realtime API must be configured to use OAuth using the “RealtimeAPICredentials”. |
RealtimeAuditEmailAddresses | Email addresses to which the Realtime audit information will be sent. |
RealtimeAuditEnabled | If set, Realtime audit information will be emailed on a monthly basis. |
RealtimeAuditPeriodEndDay | The day of the month the audit period ends. Emails will be sent the following day. |
RealtimeAuditReference | Reference string to be included as an identifier in the audit email. |
RealtimeContentPlugins | The list of Realtime content plugins. |
RecommendationQueuePath | The path of the queue to pick up recommendation lookup results waiting to be processed. |
WebCacheDataNumReaders | The number of queue readers used by the web cache data importer. |
WebCacheOutputEventData | Output realtime event data to the database or file. |
WebCacheOutputToDatabase | Load web visitor data from the cache to the database. |
WebCacheOutputToFile | Load web visitor data from the cache to file. |
WebCacheOutputToFilePath | The target folder path for exporting the web cache data. |
WebCacheQueuePath | The path of the queue to pick up web cache data waiting to be processed. |
WebEventProcessorAggregateReferrals | If set, referrals for page events will be aggregated during event processing. |
WebEventProcessorNumReaders | The number of queue readers used by the web event processor. |
WebEventQueuePath | The path of the queue to pick up web events. |
WebFormDefaultStyleScripts | Style or script elements to be added to landing pages containing web form assets. |