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Interaction Designer: File approval ramifications


The following sections discuss the ramifications of file approval within the Interaction Designer.

Offer approval and the Interaction Designer

File approvals are not taken into account when executing offers in Test mode.

However, in Production mode, when executing offers:

  • If both interaction and offer approval are turned off, approvals are disregarded when executing workflows in Production mode.

  • If interaction approval is turned off and offer approval turned on, it is not possible to execute an offer activity without an approved version of the offer template with which it is configured.
    If an approved offer template version exists:

    • If the current version is approved, it is used at offer activity execution.

    • If a previous version is approved (but the current is not), the previous version is used at offer activity execution.

  • If interaction approval is turned on and offer approval is turned off, it is not possible to execute a workflow unless the interaction within which it exists has been approved. Any offers’ approval statuses are not taken into account.

  • If both interaction and offer approval are turned on:

    • It is not possible to execute a workflow unless the interaction within which it exists is approved.

    • It is not possible to execute an offer without an approved version. If an approved version exists it is used (whether the current version, or a previous version (if the current version is not approved)).

Offer approval and interactive activity execution

If offer approval is turned on and a long-running interactive activity, which triggers downstream execution of an offer activity, is running, the offer activity will use content based on the most recent approved version (as might be expected).

If the offer activity’s template is updated and approved, on the next occurrence of the offer activity’s execution, the newly approved content will be used. If the offer template is updated but not approved, the older, approved version will continue to be used.

Offer activity configuration panel: Approval status icon

Also, within the Interaction Designer, the icon displayed within an offer activity’s configuration panel gives a visual indication as to the approval status of the offer template with which it is configured. Note that this only applies if offer approval has been turned on.

The following summarizes the display of the icon in this context:

  • Not approved: gray/yellow icon

  • Awaiting approval: amber icon

  • Approval denied: red icon

  • Approved: green icon

  • Not approved (previous version approved): half green, half grey/yellow icon

  • Awaiting approval (previous version approved): half green, half amber icon

  • Approval denied (previous version approved): half green, half red icon.

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