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Message History Decision Criteria

Message History decision criteria allow you to make Realtime decisions on the basis of a visitor's having been served messages by a Smart Asset. Two Message History criteria are available when an Orchestration Realtime decision's Smart Asset property has been populated with an Advanced Smart Asset:

When in edit mode, a Message History criterion has the following properties:

  • Advanced Smart Asset

  • Rule satisfied when: a dropdown property, exposing values “Messages received” (the default) and “Messages not received”.

  • In last [n] day(s): a mandatory integer property, which defaults to 7, and accepts a range of values from 1 to 999.

  • Select Applicable Messages: a dropdown, exposing the following:

    • Any message: selected by default. When selected, no additional properties are shown.

    • Specific messages: when selected, all messages from the selected advanced smart asset are listed. Each is accompanied by a checkbox.

It is mandatory to select at least one message.

When in read-only mode, a message history criterion is displayed as per the following example:

When in edit mode, a Message History with Impression Count criterion displays the same set of properties as a Message History criterion, with an additional property also being displayed:

  • Where Impression Count: two additional properties are shown:

    • [Operator]: this dropdown field defaults to “Is more than”.

    • [Value]: this integer property defaults to 0, and accepts a range between 9 and 999,999.

When in read-only mode, a message history with impression count criterion is displayed as per the following example:

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