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Realtime Decisions

Realtime decisions can be used to make decisions on the type of content to be displayed in a smart asset. They can be used to determine applicability in content elements in a smart asset; when the criteria within a content element’s Realtime decision are met, the visitor is served the associated content.

Realtime decisions use a memory cache that allows for the persistence of a visitor profile for each known and unknown website visitor. The data stored in the cache can be a combination of properties determined from the visitor’s browser session, including goals achieved at landing pages, information advised by Facebook, knowledge gleaned through traversing a customized link in an RPI outbound offer and attribute values retrieved from the data warehouse or an auxiliary database upon the user choosing to identify him- or herself (e.g. by submission of an email address in a web form).

In addition, custom visitor profile values can be added to the Realtime cache through the addition of RPI JavaScript functions to web pages. Please see the RPI Realtime documentation for further information.

Once a visitor profile has been established in the cache, on the caching service’s being restarted, all salient decision logic is reloaded into the cache. 

Note that visitor profiles themselves are not reloaded in this context and must be re-established.

Realtime decisions are managed, alongside decision scorecards, selection rules and analysis panels, in the Rule Designer. Realtime decisions and decision scorecards are covered in this section. Selection rules and analysis panels are documented separately. The Rule Designer is also documented independently.

Access to Realtime decision functionality is controlled by the Realtime Decision: Design functional permission.

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