Offer Designer: Realtime Cache
The Realtime Cache delivery method allows you to populate the RPI Realtime cache with data in advance of website visitors visiting your site.

Visitors’ online experiences can then be tailored to their specific needs using this cached data, by leveraging RPI Realtime decisions and smart assets. Full details of these can be found elsewhere in the documentation.
A Realtime Cache offer consists of a single property:
Realtime Cache Attributes list: the property consists of a toolbar and a list.
Toolbar: exposing the following:
Move attribute up: this button is enabled when a single attribute other than the first in the list is selected. Invocation moves the selected attribute up one position in the list.
Move attribute down: this button is enabled when a single attribute other than the last in the list is selected. Invocation moves the selected attribute down one position in the list.
Remove selected attributes: this button is enabled when one or more attributes are selected. Invocation removes the selected attribute(s) without display of an “Are You Sure?” dialog.
List: when the list is empty, a message is displayed that says “Add attributes to configure the data to be uploaded to the Realtime cache”. You can drag attributes from the toolbox and drop them onto the list. You must configure the offer with at least one attribute. Exists in table attributes are not supported. The following columns are shown:
Order: a read-only, incrementing integer.
Attribute: having provided an attribute file, you can invoke the viewing of its details in the File Information Dialog.
Anonymous auxiliary database attributes are not supported in this context.