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RPI Realtime and the data warehouse


Data captured due to site visitors’ interactions with RPI landing and other web pages, and stored in the Realtime cache, can then be persisted in a series of tables in the RPI data warehouse.

The following tables are used to record data gathered in respect of visitors’ submission of web forms:


Stores details of RPI web forms.

  • FormID: unique identifier of a web form.

  • FormName: name of a web form.


Stores records of visitors’ submissions of RPI web forms.

  • FormSubmissionID: unique ID representing a visitor's submission of a web form.

  • FormID: unique identifier of a web form.

  • SubmissionDate: date and time at which a web form was submitted.

  • EmailAddress: email address captured at web form submission.

  • ChannelExecutionID: unique ID representing an instance of outbound fulfilment having been undertaken by RPI.

  • RPContactID: unique ID referencing an RPI offer history record.

  • VisitorID: ID uniquely identifying a site visitor.

  • PublishHistoryID: unique ID representing the publishing of an RPI web form.

  • Fields: when system configuration setting FormSubmissionPersistFieldsAsJSON set to true, this field is used to persist form fields as JSON.


Stores records of values captured for specific RPI web form fields at web form submission.

  • FormFieldSubmissionID: unique ID associated with capture of data within a specific form field.

  • FormID: unique identifier of a web form.

  • FieldName: name of the field.

  • FieldValue: data captured in the field.

Data in these contexts is collated using the Web Form Processor system task.

The following tables are populated by the Web Cache Data Importer task:


Persists details of RPI Realtime visitors.

  • VisitorID: ID uniquely identifying a site visitor.

  • FirstVisitDate: date and time of first visit by a visitor.

  • LastVisitDate: date and time of most recent visit by a visitor.


Persists details of decisions made in respect of RPI Realtime visitors.

  • VisitorID: ID uniquely identifying a site visitor.

  • DecisionID: publish ID uniquely identifying the RPI file in respect of which a decision was made.

  • ContentName: RPI file name.

  • DecisionResult: ordinal number of content served.

  • PageInstanceID: unique ID of instance of landing page in which decision made, or unique ID of interaction activity if decision made in outbound Realtime mode.

  • DecisionDate: date and time when decision was made.

  • DeviceID: ID of the device to which content was served.

  • ResultID: unique ID representing the instance of the content's being served to the visitor.

  • DecisionContent: stores text content published to the cache (up to a maximum of 100 characters). If more than 100 characters are returned, nothing is stored in this column.

  • ContentPath: populated if content published to a web publish site.

  • ContentFormat: one of TEXT, HTML, JSON or XML.

  • ContextName: populated if content published using a context.

  • ContextSlotName: populated if content published using a context slot (if only a context supplied, set to “rpidefault”.

  • DefaultResult: ordinal number of default content to be served (if appropriate).

  • Source: e.g. landing page name, “API”.

  • ImpressionID: ID representing a visit to e.g. a web page.

    • Note that a given impression may reference multiple results.


Persists details of parameters passed in respect of RPI Realtime visitors when making calls to API endpoints.

  • VisitorID: ID uniquely identifying a site visitor.

  • FieldName: name of parameter.

  • Value: parameter value.

  • UpdateDate: date and time of capture of parameter value.

  • DeviceID: ID of the device to which content was served.

A CacheOutputExclusions array property within the RPI Realtime appSettings file allows you specify one or more parameter names. Inclusion of a parameter name within the setting results in its being ignored when the Web Cache Data Importer task populates RPI_WebVisitorsParameters.


Persists details of RPI Realtime visitors’ decision scorecard scores.

  • VisitorID: ID uniquely identifying a site visitor.

  • ScorecardIdentifier: identifier property, captured at decision scorecard toolbox.

  • PublishID: ID of smart asset in which decision scorecard utilized.

  • Score: score assigned to the visitor in this context.

  • UpdateDate: date and time of score's being captured.

  • DeviceID: ID of the device to which content was served.


Persists details of landing or external web pages visited by RPI Realtime visitors.

  • VisitorID: ID uniquely identifying a site visitor.

  • PageName: name of the page.

  • PageInstanceID: RPI landing pages only; represents unique instance of publishing of the same.

  • VisitDate: date and time of page visit.

  • DeviceID: ID of the device to which content was served.

  • ImpressionID: typically a unique viewing of a page by a visitor.

  • HostDomain: domain of site hosting the web page.


Persists details of goal smart asset goal attainment by RPI Realtime visitors.

  • VisitorID: ID uniquely identifying a site visitor.

  • GoalName: name of the goal.

  • PageInstanceID: RPI landing pages only; represents unique instance of publishing of the same.

  • AttainedDate: date and time at which the goal was attained.

  • DeviceID: ID of the device to which content was served.


Persists details of RPI web events. The table is populated if system configuration settings WebCacheOutputEventData is set to True.

  • VisitorID: ID uniquely identifying a site visitor.

  • DeviceID: ID of the device to which content was served.

  • ImpressionID: typically a unique viewing of a page by a visitor.

  • EventTime: date and time of the event's occurrence.

  • EventName: name of the event.

  • EventDetail: additional detail captured along with an event (e.g. the URL associated with a Link Click event).

  • MetricValue: numerical value captured along with an event.

  • RPContactID: unique ID referencing an RPI offer history record.

  • ChannelExecutionID: unique ID representing an instance of outbound fulfilment having been undertaken by RPI.

  • PageInstanceID: RPI landing pages only; represents unique instance of publishing of the same.

  • SourceReference: URL (external page only).

  • EventMetadata: any metadata associated with the event (list of name/value pairs).


Stores details of devices upon which RPI Realtime content viewed.

  • VisitorID: ID uniquely identifying a site visitor.

  • IPAddress: the visitor's IP address.

  • UserAgent: user agent string, as provided by the visitor's device.

  • FirstVisitDate: date and time of first visit by a visitor.

  • LastVisitDate: date and time of most recent visit by a visitor.

The following tables are used to persist file metadata captured at publish:


  • PublishHistoryID: unique ID representing the publishing of an RPI web form.

  • PublishDate: date and time at which the web form was published.

  • FormName: name of the web form.

  • FormMeta: any RPI file metadata captured in respect of the web form (list of name/value pairs).


  • PageInstanceID: RPI landing pages only; represents unique instance of publishing of the same.

  • PublishDate: date and time at which the landing page was published.

  • FileName: file name of the landing page.

  • PageName: page name of the landing page.

  • SiteName: name of the RPI web publish site to which published.

  • SiteFolderName: name of the folder within the same.

  • PageMeta: any RPI file metadata captured in respect of the landing page (list of name/value pairs).


  • PublishHistoryID: unique ID representing the publishing of a smart asset.

  • DecisionID: publish ID uniquely identifying the RPI file in respect of which a decision was made.

  • DecisionResult: ordinal number of content served.

  • LastPublishDate: date and time of asset's most recent publishing.

  • DecisionMeta: any RPI file metadata captured in respect of the smart asset (list of name/value pairs).

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