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Single Customer View

The Single Customer View interface allows you to search for records from the data warehouse—typically customers—and then choose one of the records to view in detail in the Single Customer View interface,

The Single Customer View is supported in both SQL and NoSQL mode.

The interface can display:

  • Properties relating to the selected customer.

  • Details of records related to the customer—e.g. her products purchased or transactions made.

  • A timeline of events related to the selected customer (including his having been targeted by interaction activities, having assumed a fulfillment state (e.g. “Opened Email”), having visited a landing page and having been the subject of a Realtime decision).

  • Expanded details of the currently-selected event (including the ability to navigate to a related file).

  • The Single Customer View is not just limited to the display of customer records…depending on your particular requirements, it might be set up to display details of other entities, such as prospects or accounts.

  • The Single Customer View is not available when working in a NoSQL environment.

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