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Smart Asset Result Decision Criteria

Smart Asset Result decision criteria allow you, to personalize content on the basis of a visitor having previously viewed (or not viewed) a piece of content, delivered by a smart asset.

Smart asset result decision criteria make use of an Orchestration decision’s Smart Asset property. For more information, please see the Orchestration Realtime decision documentation.

The types of Smart asset result decision criteria available at the decision are contingent on its configuration:

  • If no file is selected, the following decision criteria types are available:

  • If a file, which was published to the cache with at least one content element containing text content, is selected, the following decision criteria types are available:

  • Otherwise, if a file is selected, the following are available:

Note that an asset's containing text content is defined as its containing a content element configured with the following:

  • Text asset

  • Inline text/HTML

  • A nested smart asset containing at least one of the above as content.

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