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Social configuration


Supported Facebook Connectors

RPI facilitates integration with Facebook in the following contexts:


Connector Type


Required App Permissions

Facebook Offline Conversions

Channels > Data Onboarding

The Facebook Offline Conversions connector allows users to push offline data, such as in-store transactions, to the Facebook platform where it will be matched to determine how many customers viewed or clicked on a Facebook Ad, prior to the event occurring.

v16/v17: ads_management, business_management

Facebook Custom Audiences

Channels > Data Onboarding

The Facebook Custom Audience connector allows users to generate predefined and custom data files and pushes that data to the Facebook platform as either a new custom audience or appended to an existing custom audience. This process will generate a set of aggregated metrics, which can be viewed within the application.

v16/v17: ads_management, business_management

Creating a Facebook app

To use Facebook connectors in RPI, a Facebook App must be provisioned and configured with the appropriate permissions, depending on the connector. The following is a list of steps necessary to create the Facebook App:

Create a Facebook developer account

Before creating a Developer account, ensure you are logged into a Facebook account.

You will need a Facebook Developer account to get started. If you do not have one, upgrade your personal Facebook account to a Facebook Developer account. Skip this step if you already have a developer account. Before creating a Developer account, ensure you are logged into a Facebook account.

Add a new Facebook app

  1. Go to and click My Apps on the menu.

  1. Click the “Create App” button. Select the “Authenticate and request data from users with Facebook Login” option.

  1. Select “No, I’m not building a game”.

  1. Fill in the App Details. The app contact email is automatically populated with the email associated with the developer account. Select the Business Account from the dropdown to associate with the app.

Configure Facebook app basic settings

  1. Open the Facebook App Basic Settings page by navigating to App Settings > Basic.

  1. Create a Namespace for your Facebook App. Note that the namespace can only contain lowercase letters, dashes, and underscores.

  2. Enter an App Domain, with your company or organization’s website URL.

  3. Enter your company/organization’s Privacy Policy URL.

  4. Optional – Enter your company/organization’s Terms of Service URL.

  5. Upload an icon image for your Facebook App. The image must have a transparent background and cannot be larger than 1024 x 1024.

  6. Choose a Category for your Facebook App – choose any that apply to your organization.

  7. Complete the Business Verification to connect your Facebook App to your Facebook Business Manager account. Note, this step is not required to start using the Facebook App with RPI’s connectors.

  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Add Platform button and select Website:

  1. In the Site URL text box, enter the same URL used in step 2:

  1. Complete the Basic configuration by clicking Save Changes.

Configure Facebook app advanced settings

  1. Open the Facebook App Advanced Settings page by navigating to App Settings > Advanced.

  1. Toggle Yes for Native or Desktop app.

  2. Choose the latest API version for both “Update All Calls” and “Upgrade Call for App Roles”. As of March 2024, the latest API version is 19.0. Under Advertising Account, enter an Authorized Ad Account ID.

4. Under “Advertising Account”, enter an Authorized Ad Account ID.

  1. Once complete, hit the “Save Changes” button to proceed to the next step.

Configure roles for the Facebook app

  1. Open the Facebook Roles page by navigating to App Roles > Roles.

  1. Under Administrators, associate the Facebook Account(s) that will be configured as the Authorized Account in the RPI Channel configuration.

Configure the Facebook login use case

  1. From the menu, click “Use cases” and then the “Customize” button for the Facebook Login use case.

  1. Click the “Go to settings” button under the Facebook Login section.

  1. In the “Valid OAuth Redirect URIs” text box, paste the URL configured for the Website Platform section. The authorization page will not display correctly without the platform URL included as a redirect URI.

  1. Click “Save changes”.

Configure the marketing API permissions

To make a request for Marketing API permissions, the app must complete the Review steps: Testing, Verification, and Data handling questions. In the last step, App Review, the needed permissions can then be requested.

Note regarding App mode

There is currently no requirement to approve the Facebook App before it can be used in RPI. The App can remain in Development mode and continue to be used. The only requirement is ensuring the authorizing Facebook user account is configured as an Administrator in the App Roles (steps covered in step 5). However, to use Facebook Marketing, the following permissions must be approved: pages_manage_ads, pages_manage_metadata, pages_read_engagement, pages_read_user_content, ads_read, pages_manage_posts, pages_manage_engagement.

Configuring RPI Channel - Important

App permissions can be retained with their default values unless other permissions are required.

Account name is the name of Facebook profile, not the page or app.

For applicable Facebook Channels, the Page Name is the selected page to use from one of the lists of associated pages to the Facebook account. This field is auto populated after successful authorization.

Creating an ad account and linking it to the Facebook app ID

  1. Go to Business Manager Settings at

  2. Click Settings.

  1. Collapse Accounts and click Ad Accounts.

  2. Click Add Ad accounts.

  1. Click Create a new ad account.

  2. Complete the required information and click Create Ad Account.

  3. After creating an Ad account, link it to your Facebook App. Go to

  4. Go to App settings > Advanced. Locate the Advertising Accounts section, and add the Ad Account ID(s) you want to use to promote your app.

Setting up the payment method

  1. Before you can start advertising, you will need to give Facebook additional account information and enter your credit card details.

  2. Go to Business Manager Settings at

  3. Navigate the Business Manager menu to locate Billing & payments.

4. Under Accounts > Ad accounts, click Add payment method.

  1. Complete the required information then click Next.

Create a pixel in business manager (optional)

The Facebook pixel is a piece of code that is placed on a website to report conversions, build audiences and get insights about how people are using the site. You can create up to 10 pixels in your Business Manager account.

  1. Go to Business Settings.

  2. Under Users and Accounts collapse Data Sources.

  3. Click Pixels.

  4. Click the blue Add button.

  1. Provide a Pixel Name.

  2. Click to agree to the Facebook Pixel Terms.

  3. Click Continue.

  4. To Start installing your pixel on your website, Click Set Up Now. If you would prefer to stay in Business Manager, click Continue.

Domain verification (optional)

Domain verification is ownership that controls editing privileges of URLs and other content to prevent misuse of your domain and to prevent the spread of misinformation. You may get the error “Only owners of the URL have the ability to specify the picture, name, thumbnail or description params” when running a Facebook Post or Facebook Marketing interaction without verifying your domain. For Facebook Post with an image, the source URL of the image must come from the verified domain.

To verify your domain, visit:

Additional resources

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