User Group actions
Create New User Group
You can initiate the creation of a new user group by selecting Create new User Group in the Configuration Workbench toolbar. Creation of a new user group is carried out in the Create New User Group modal dialog.
The dialog displays the following user group properties:
Name: the new user group's name defaults to New User Group. Name is mandatory, must be unique and may be a maximum of 100 characters.
Description: optional, and a maximum of 1000 characters.
Group is active: a checkbox that indicates whether the group is active immediately upon its creation. A user may only be assigned to active user groups. Default is checked.
Tabset: exposing Permissions and Users tabs.
The Permissions tab contains a grid listing all functional permissions defined within the system in alphabetical order. A full list of functional permissions is provided in the Framework documentation.
The following properties are displayed for each permission (in read-only format unless otherwise specified):
[Untitled selected checkbox]: the checkbox is updateable and defines whether the permission is to be associated with the user group. By default, the checkbox is unchecked. You can select all, or no, permissions using a context menu displayed when right-clicking the grid. Selection of (a) user group(s) is optional.
Permission name
Active: true/false flag that defines whether the permission is currently active. Access to RPI functionality is limited in accordance with active functional permissions with which a user is associated through his or her user groups.
The Users tab contains a grid listing all users available at the current tenant in alphabetical order.
The following properties are displayed for each permission (in read-only format unless otherwise specified):
[Untitled selected checkbox]: the checkbox is updateable and defines whether the user is to be associated with the user group. By default, the checkbox is unchecked.
You can select OK to finish creation of a new user group. Doing so causes the data you have entered to be validated; if any validation issues exist, they are displayed as warnings and you must resolve them before the user group can be created. If no validation errors are present, the new user group is saved to the operational database (note the contrast with other configuration interfaces, within which the Save button is used to persist changes). The new user group is added to the user group list as displayed within the User Group Management interface.
You may also cancel creation of the new user group. Doing so removes the Create New User Group dialog from display immediately.
Manage Existing User Group
You can initiate the management of an existing user group by double-clicking it in the existing user groups list. Management of an existing user group is carried out in the Manage User Group modal dialog.
The dialog displays the following user group properties:
Name: is mandatory, must be unique and can be a maximum of 100 characters.
Description: is optional and can be a maximum of 1000 characters.
Group is active: checkbox that indicates whether the group is active. Any of a user's functional permissions that are associated via an inactive group are disregarded when determining permission-based access to system functionality.
The dialog also lists and allows assignment of permissions and users to the user group. See Create New User Group for details.
You can select OK to finish management of a user group. Doing so causes the data you have entered to be validated; if any validation issues exist, they are displayed as warnings and you must resolve them before the user group can be updated. If no validation errors are present, changes to the user group are saved to the operational database (note the contrast with other configuration interfaces, within which the Save button is used to persist changes). Updates to the user group are reflected within the User Group Management interface.
You may also cancel managing the user group. If you cancel having made changes to the user group, a dialog is displayed, which queries whether you wish to save the changes you made to the user group:
Yes saves changes made to the user group and closes the dialog.
No loses changes made to the user group and closes the dialog.
Cancel retains display of the dialog.
When managing the Everyone user group, the Manage User Group is entitled View System User Group, and its contents are read-only.
When managing other system user groups (System Administrators/Organization), you can only manage user assignment to the group - you cannot change the permissions associated with the group.
Delete Existing User Group
You can delete the selected user groups by selecting Delete in the Configuration Workbench toolbar. You may only delete a user group if no users are associated with the group. Deletion of user groups is protected by an “Are you sure?” dialog.
Note that you cannot delete the Everyone or System Administrators user groups. The same applies at organization node user groups.
Clone User Group
You can make a cloned copy of an existing user group using the Clone Selected User Group toolbar button. The button is available when a single user group is selected in the list. Selecting the button creates and saves a copy of the selected user group. A confirmatory message is displayed thereafter. The new user group is named “Clone of [user group]”, and is presented in the correct alphabetical position within the list.
Note that an integer can be appended to the name to ensure uniqueness, and incremented if required.
The new user group inherits the properties and selected group permissions from the group from which cloned.