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Writing Realtime data to files

As well as writing Realtime cache data to the data warehouse, the Web cache data importer system task can also be used to write the same data to a file. This occurs when system configuration setting WebCacheOutputToFile is set to True.

The folder destination to which Realtime cache data is written is defined by system configuration setting WebCacheOutputToFilePath.

  • If set, Realtime cache data is written to the folder defined by this setting.

  • If not set, Realtime cache data is written to a file in the folder defined by system configuration setting FileOutputDirectory or server setting GlobalFileOutputDirectory (as appropriate), within a subfolder called WebCacheOutput.

  • If set to an invalid value, Realtime cache data is not written to a file.

The file is named in accordance with the following pattern:

‘RPIWebCache’ + [yyyyMMdd] + ‘.txt’

A new file is created every day, and its contents are written in JSON format. When data is changed, only updated values are written to the file.

If system configuration setting WebCacheOutputEventData is set to True, the data written to the file includes web events data.

If WebCacheOutputToFile is set to False, cached data is not written to a file.

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