Insight feed layouts: Model and score
Insights overview
The Redpoint CDP supports loading analytic (insight) data model data into the platform in order to enrich the base data set and allow for this information to be used for various marketing efforts. These feed layouts allow for consumption of data from both external and internal sources. So, some data may be supplied from an external vendor, where as other data may be sourced from native modeling capabilities within the Redpoint CDP.
Loading this data consists of two separate feed layouts:
Insight Model: Loads the information related to the model (name, description, algorithm, etc.).
Insight Model Score: Loads the scores and segments related to the identities used to execute and receive results for. The current list of IDs supported is as follows:
Party Profile ID
Individual ID
Household ID
Email ID
Outside of Party Profile ID, the IDs are all the internal IDs of the CDP and need to be extracted when provided to systems to perform analytic modeling and provide back results to use within the CDP and for supporting marketing initiatives.
Data model for base tables
Below is a basic entity relationship diagram (ERD) of the base tables that support the Insight data.