Insight model feed layout overview
This document provides additional detail related to the insight model feed layout, including the use of the feed layout, how the data is reflected in the database, and how to use the data from RPI.
This section provides the following detailed information:
Feed layout intent
The primary use case for this feed is to ingest details about a model that will be used to score and/or segment data that will be provided in the Insight Model Score Feed Layout. This feed layout is used to provide the model ID and version along with additional information, like model name and description along with the type of model and the algorithm used by the model.
This feed does not have an extension feed like many other feeds in Redpoint CDP.
Feed layout areas of consideration
This feed supports the ingestion of score data, and its purpose is to provide metadata around the model itself. The primary thing to note about this feed is that the source model ID is the key to this table, and the most recent record with this value will be stored in the model table, regardless of the other fields, like version or model start date.
Identity matching
The identity feed does not go through the matching process.
Use in RPI
Insight model data can be used in RPI to either select or suppress records related to scores for a specific model name or type or other piece of metadata stored about the model.
Use in aggregates
There are not specific aggregates that are calculated out of the box using this data.