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Using generative AI to create content


This topic walks you through how to use generative AI (ChatGPT and/or Writer) to help you create email content, landing pages, and other digital content. Once configured and enabled, the AI-assisted content generation tool works as follows:

  • Enter a prompt directly in RPI

  • Your prompt is sent to the configured AI tool

  • The tool generates text content

  • This text is populated in RPI

  • You can optionally edit or update the text as needed


Before you can use an AI-assisted content generation tool, you need to configure the tool and explicitly enable it.

HTML content asset example

Here is an example of a prompt to generate HTML content asset.


Create responsive HTML for an email that is a part of a welcome campaign for Redpoint Global and has a call to action to activate a license.

Configuration and execution in RPI

The top right shows the ChatGPT Content Prompt, and the HTML Asset section shows the results of using that prompt to generate the HTML content.


Text content asset example

Here is an example of a prompt to generate text content, specifically JSON in this case.


Generate a JSON object for an order purchase.

Configuration and execution in RPI

The top right shows the ChatGPT Content Prompt, and the left section shows the results of using that prompt to generate a JSON object for a purchase.


Additional resources

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