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Use Redpoint IQ

Redpoint IQ’s GenAI (Generative Artificial Intelligence) allows you to start with a natural language request to build your segment.

To create a new segment using Redpoint IQ:

  1. From the Audience page, click Build a Segment.

  2. Click the Redpoint IQ logo redpoint-IQ.png to open Redpoint IQ, where you can use natural language to describe the segment you want to create.

  3. Type a description of the segment to build or click Get started with an IQ Smart Prompt to view examples of natural language segment descriptions that you can use as a starting point.


IQ Smart Prompts are not tailored specifically to your data, so they may or may not work for you as written; they are designed to give you a basic idea of how you can describe a segment.

  1. When you are finished describing the segment, click Create my segment.

  2. Confirm that the segment created reflects your intention before proceeding.

  3. Click Next in the upper-right of the screen to proceed with the segment creation workflow.

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