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Build a segment

A segment is the most basic building block for targeting customers. You can build a segment by:

Import data

The Import Data feature allows you to load ad-hoc data to use in a segment/audience. You can create a segment to use as a stand-alone in an audience for immediate activation or as a suppression/segment in another audience.

You should continue to use Feed Layouts for ongoing feeds, but the Import Data feature provides quick access to ad-hoc data for single use (e.g., you want to send an email to a list of event attendees that you have in a spreadsheet).

  1. From the Audience page, click Build a Segment.

  2. Click Import Data.

  3. Drag and drop your file or click the upload area to browse and select your file.

Imported files must have unique names.

  1. Select the mapping for each column in the File Analysis section.

  2. You can optionally click View File Sample to preview the file.

  3. Click Import Data to create the segment.

Create a new segment using Redpoint IQ

  1. From the Audience page, click Build a Segment.

  2. Click the Redpoint IQ logo redpoint-IQ.png to open Redpoint IQ, where you can use natural language to describe the segment you want to create.

  3. Type a description of the segment to build or click Get started with an IQ Smart Prompt to view examples of natural language segment descriptions that you can use as a starting point.


IQ Smart Prompts are not tailored specifically to your data, so they may or may not work for you as written; they are designed to give you a basic idea of how you can describe a segment.

  1. When you are finished describing the segment, click Create my segment.

  2. Confirm that the segment created reflects your intention before proceeding.

  3. You can modify your prompt and click Update my segment, if needed, or modify the attributes directly.

  4. Click Next in the upper-right of the screen to proceed with the segment creation workflow.

For information about additional segment-building functionality, see the next section, Build a new segment.

Build a new segment

  1. Select one of the workflow entry points, such as clicking Build a Segment on the Audience page.

  2. The segment’s working name is Untitled Segment. Hover over the name and click the pencil icon to name the segment and optionally add a description. You can name the segment now, or at any point in the workflow before you finalize the segment.

The segment will indicate that it’s Invalid until you name it.


Build your segment

You can add attributes and/or other segments to define your segment as well as optionally use groups to refine your criteria.

Add attributes

  1. In the Attributes file picker area, choose a folder that holds your attribute of interest. The attributes contained in the folder are displayed. You can also search for a keyword to find an attribute more quickly.

  2. Choose one or more attributes by clicking the plus icon add-button.png next to the attribute. A popup is displayed.

  3. Select a Criterion Type from the dropdown list. The popup will change depending upon the criterion type chosen. Select the values for the chosen criterion type and click Add. The added criterion is displayed in the criterion list.

  4. Click the refresh button refresh-button.png in the upper-right portion of the page to update the Total Count, which shows the number of records that match the criteria you’ve added.

Add segments

  1. Click the Segments button to display your previously-defined segments.

  2. Click the plus icon add-button.png next to the segment to add it to the segment you’re building.

  3. Click the refresh button refresh-button.png in the upper-right portion of the page to update the Total Count, which shows the number of records that match the criteria you’ve added.

Refine your criteria

  1. By default, all of the decision criteria below must be met (which translates to an And between each of your attributes and segments); however, you can select at least one of the decision criteria below must be met (which translates to an Or between each of your attributes and segments) from the dropdown.

  2. To further refine your criteria, you can click Create New Group, and then drag-and-drop your attributes or segments into the group, and choose Include/Exclude and All/Any as needed.

  3. You can move an attribute or segment up or down in the list or into or out of groupings by dragging it by the double-vertical-ellipses on the far left of the attribute/segment.

  4. You can click the vertical ellipsis menu on the right to Edit or Remove that criterion.

Set a Target

  • Optionally set a Target by making a selection from the Set Target pulldown menu.

Target options are based on your organization's defined dedupe settings, with the default generally being an Individual record, but this can be customized at any time if there is a more appropriate default setting (e.g., you could select Household if you wanted to send direct mail to only one member of a household.)


View counts, insights, and waterfall counts

At the top-right of the screen, you can view the Total Count of your segment as you build and refine it. Click the refresh button refresh-button.png to update the count as you go.


On the right side, you can view Insights about your segment as you build and refine it. Click the refresh button refresh-button.png to update the data as you go.

  • Global Opt-In: Shows the total count of records in the segment that have opted in to (or not opted out of) being contacted by any method.

  • Email Opt-In: Shows the count of records in the segment that have opted in to being contacted by email.

  • SMS Opt-In: Shows the count of records in the segment that have opted in to being contacted by SMS (text message).

  • Recency: Shows the share of customers in the segment who made their last purchase within specific date ranges.

  • Monetary: Shows the share of customers in the segment whose last purchase was within specific monetary ranges.

  • Frequency: Shows the share of customers in the segment whose total number of transactions are within specific numeric ranges.

Waterfall counts are the record counts across each level of criteria (also known as drop-off counts). You can run waterfall counts overall or for a particular segment or attribute by clicking the waterfall.png button.

Finalize your segment

  1. When you've finished adding and refining the criteria for your segment, click Next. The Summary step is displayed.

  2. Check the information to make sure you have defined your segments correctly. You can still go back in the segment definition workflow and make changes by clicking Previous.

  3. If you haven’t named your segment yet, you need to do so before you can finish creating it. You can also still edit the segment name and/or description by hovering over the name and clicking the pencil icon.

  4. When you're certain that your segments are correctly defined, select a next step from the Finish button pull-down menu. (If you want to abandon the segment, you can click the X to the right of the Finish button.)


Compose SQL segment

To use custom SQL to create a segment:

  1. Click Compose SQL Segment on the Audience page.

  2. Select the Target Table from the drop-down menu.

  3. Name the segment and optionally provide a description.

  4. Add your SQL to the Enter Query code box (enter the portion of your SQL after WHERE).

  5. Click the Validate button to confirm that your SQL is valid.

  6. You can click Run Count to see how your SQL affects the Total Count of records in your segment.

  7. Click Finish and select your next action.

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