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Complex Text Input


The Complex Text Input tool is able to read a variety of file formats, including:

  • ASC X12


  • Custom hierarchical file formats

  • To operate, this tool must be configured with a complex schema definition file. This file completely specifies all record types, data types, nesting hierarchy, and formatting directives.

By default, the Complex Text Input tool has a single output connector and produces a complex record stream. You can optionally create an additional output connector for exporting the metadata (separator data) by enabling the Export metadata option.

About FILE records

All complex record streams produced by the Complex Text Input tool contain one FILE record for each file read. The FILE records are generated by the tool, and always have a __ParentID value of 0. The __ID value of the FILE records is in turn the parent of the "root" records defined in the complex schema. FILE records are not defined in the schema explicitly.

FILE records contain two fields (in addition to the standard linkage fields):

  1. INPUT_FILENAME: when files are read from complex inputs, this contains the input file name.

  2. OUTPUT_FILENAME: when files are written to outputs configured to honor the FILE record, this must be set to the output file name.

Complex Text Input tool configuration parameters

The Complex Text Input tool has two sets of configuration parameters in addition to the standard execution options.




Input file

The file containing the records, or a wildcard pattern matching multiple files.

Complex Schema file

The complex schema definition file.

Export metadata

If selected, creates an output connector "M" to receive the separator characters defined in the metadata. These are a series of key/value pairs.




Limit records

If selected, limits the number of records read.

Read only the first

If Limit records is selected, specifies the number of records to be read.

Structural errors should

Specifies how errors in the input data hierarchy should be handled. Options are Issue warning (default) or Fail project.

Data errors should

Specifies how errors in the input data should be handled. Options are Issue warning (default) or Fail project.

Configure the Complex Text Input tool

To configure the Complex Text Input tool:

  1. Select the Complex Text Input tool.

  2. Go to the Configuration tab.

  3. Specify the Input file.

  4. Specify a complex schema definition file as Schema.

  5. Optionally, select Export metadata to create an output connector "M" for exporting the metadata (separator data) from the data stream.

  6. Optionally, select the Options tab and configure advanced options:

    • If you don't want to process the entire file, select Limit records and type the desired number of records to process.

    • If you want the project to stop running when errors in the input data hierarchy are encountered, select Structural (hierarchy) errors should and choose Fail project.

    • If you want the project to stop running when errors in the input data are encountered, select Data errors should and choose Fail project.

  7. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

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