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Data Management projects contain your specifications for reading, transforming, analyzing, parsing, integrating and cleansing data using the Data Management tools and connections between them.

  • Projects can be stored as files or as objects in the Data Management Site Server's repository.

  • Projects stored in the repository are automatically versioned, and shared with other users that have sufficient permissions.

  • You also have access to projects across your workgroup, and can view timestamps, perform file locking and unlocking, and check-in/check-out projects.

  • When you save a new version of a project to the repository you will be prompted for a check-in comment, where you can document changes made to the project in the new version. These notes are saved in the repository along with the project, and appear in the Comments row of the Versions tab.

  • Projects are defined in an XML format, and can be directly manipulated using Data Management's XML editing tool (the  button on the Property pane) in addition to Data Management's project editor.

Add and remove projects

To add a new project or macro to the repository

  1. Create a new project or macro.

  2. Select Save.

  3. Browse to the desired destination folder or specify a new folder.

  4. Enter a name for the project, then select Save.

  5. If you are saving to the repository, you may be prompted to enter a version comment.

To add an existing project or macro to the repository

  1. Open the desired project or macro.

  2. On the File menu, select Save As.

  3. Browse to the desired repository folder or specify a new folder.

  4. Specify a File Name and then select Save.

  5. If you are saving to the repository, you may be prompted to enter a version comment.

To remove a project or macro from the repository

  1. Browse to the repository folder containing the project or macro you want to remove.

  2. Right-click the object you want to remove, and then select Delete.

Lock and unlock objects

If you have the proper permissions, you can lock objects to prevent modification by other users, and unlock them to allow editing. When a user locks an object, only the locking user can check in new versions.

If the Site Settings attribute Require repository lock is selected, all users must lock objects when checking in a new version.

  • To lock an object, right-click the desired repository object, and then select Lock. The object appears with a lock icon in the corner.

  • To unlock an object, right-click the desired repository object, and then select Unlock.

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