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Alchemer Survey


The following Channel Specific fields are shown for Alchemer survey channels:

  • API key: mandatory.

  • API secret key: also mandatory.

  • Alchemer Data Import section: this section initially exposes two checkboxes: Import respondent data and Import survey data, each of which is documented separately.

  • Import respondent data: a checkbox, unchecked by default. This setting controls whether the channel will import respondent data from Alchemer. When checked, the Respondent table name field is displayed.

  • Respondent table name: this field is shown when Import respondent data is checked. It is mandatory when displayed and allows you to define the name of the database table into which respondent details will be imported. The value provided can be a maximum of 50 characters in length and must be database-compatible.

  • Import survey data: a checkbox, unchecked by default. This setting controls whether the channel will import survey data from Alchemer. When checked, the Survey table name field is displayed.

  • Survey table name: this field is shown when Import survey data is checked. It is mandatory when displayed and allows you to define the name of the database table into which survey details will be imported. The value provided can be a maximum of 50 characters in length and must be database-compatible.

  • Data import batch size: defines the import batch size prior to records being committed to the database.

  • API result page size: defines the page size of results returned by API request calls.

  • Non-Complete survey status check interval: this integer property, which accepts a range of values from 1 to 48, and which defaults to 24, allows you to define the length of time, in hours, between checks for surveys changing status from Patrial to Disqualified or Deleted.

Advanced tab

The following Advanced fields are shown for Alchemer channels:

  • Enable trace: if checked, API requests and responses will be logged at offer execution using the channel.

Note that when the property is checked, a message displays that says “Enabling this option can impact performance and potentially persist PII data within the trace data”.

  • API call max. re-try: this integer property defaults to 10, and accepts a range of values from 5 to 60. It represents the number of retry attempts to be undertaken if a call to the provider's API fails.

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