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Configuration workbench toolbox


The toolbox is displayed to the left of the Configuration Workbench. You may resize it horizontally (subject to maximum and minimum widths). You may also increase or decrease the relative heights of its constituent panels (again, subject to maximum and minimum values).

The toolbox contains two panels, each of which is documented below.

Toolbox – interfaces list

The interfaces list is displayed at the top of the toolbox.

Interfaces are grouped as follows:

  • Cluster

    • Queue Listener Providers

  • Connectors

    • Channels

    • Data Process Projects

    • External Content Providers

    • Web Adapters

  • Database

    • Audience Definitions

    • Audience Snapshots

    • Catalog

    • Database Keys

    • Joins

    • NoSQL DB Collection Definitions

    • NoSQL DB Offer History Definitions

    • Resolution Levels

    • SQL Database Definitions

  • Environment

    • FTP Locations

    • System Configuration

    • Web Publish Sites

  • Fulfillment

    • Seeds

    • State Flows

  • General

    • Attribute Lists

    • Tenant

    • Customer Views

    • File Type Approval

    • Organization

    • Value Lists

  • Realtime

    • Cached Attribute Lists

    • Queue Providers

  • User Management

    • User Groups

    • Users

Depending on the database mode in which you are operating (SQL vs. NoSQL), not all of the options above may be available.

Clicking on an item in the list displays a dedicated configuration interface in the workspace, in which you can manage items of the appropriate type.

Toolbox – Folder Search

The lower toolbox panel exposes a Folder Search component. For more information, please see the Framework documentation.

The folder search part can be used to source files required when performing configuration tasks.

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