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Configuration workbench

The Configuration Workbench is a portal that provides access to all of RPI's configuration features.

To invoke the configuration workbench:

  • From a Tasks or File Type widget: Typically, these might be displayed at your Home Page. For more information on widgets, please see the Dashboard Designer documentation. Selecting the button displays the Configuration Workbench in a separate tab in the RPI framework. Only one Configuration Workbench tab may be open at a time.

  • From the quick access menu’s Configuration menu: The Configuration menu exposes the same option as described above.

Note that access to the Configuration Workbench is controlled via Configuration functional permissions. If none of the user groups of which you are a member are associated with one of these permissions, you will not be able to able to access the Configuration Workbench.

Association with the overall Configuration permission affords access to all interfaces within the Configuration Workbench. Association with one or more of the sub-permissions (e.g. Configuration – Catalog), and not the overall Configuration permission, provides access to only the interfaces in question.

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