Configuring Content Generation Tools
This tab allows for the enabling and configuration of external tools that can be used to generate content in text and HTML assets, email offers, and landing pages.

The interface consists of a list and a Selected Content Creation Tool Details section.
Contains the following read-only columns:
Name: the name of the content generation tool.
Active: a tick or cross indicates whether the tool is currently active in RPI.
Selected Content Creation Tool Details
The contents of this section depend on the selected tool. The following read-only properties are displayed for all tools:
Enable tool: this checkbox is unchecked by default. When checked, the tool in question is made available at the RPI Content Editor.
The following are tool-specific:
Read-only text: “The 'NLP' application settings must be configured to use this external content generation tool”.
API key: this property allows you to specify the API key to be used to authenticate requests made to Writer. It is Mandatory if turned on.
Base URL: this property represents the starting address used to connect to the Writer API. It is mandatory if displayed, and defaults to the value
Additional resources
Best Practices: Using generative AI to create content