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Data Extract

The following channel-specific fields are shown for data extract channels:

Export template

Defines the attributes and format of the exported data. You can Browse for an export template using the Choose Export Template File System Dialog, which is limited to display export template files only. You can also provide an export template by dragging an existing export template file from the toolbox and dropping it directly onto the field. You cannot select an auxiliary database-resolving export template.

Having populated the Export template, you can invoke Open latest version to display the export template in the Export Template Designer. You can also Clear the Export template.

You cannot use an export template resolving to an anonymous auxiliary database as a data extract channel's Export template.

Extract Location

This section contains the following:

Location type

A dropdown field that exposes the following values:

  • Use Default: the default value. When selected, the channel will use the default data extract mechanism as defined by configuration setting FileExportLocation.

  • Network Path: when selected, files generated during data extract channel execution will be created on the server, irrespective of the default FileExportLocation configuration setting. Choosing this value makes the Export path format button visible. The value provided must be a full network path if configuration setting FileOutputAllowAllServerLocations is set to True. If set to False, only a relative network path can be specified. If the file output location is being set at the cluster level, setting GlobalFileOutputAllowAllServerLocations applies instead.

Note that, if the default setting is used and FileExportLocation is set to 0, if RPI is running in a multi-server cluster, the path provided must be an accessible share location.

  • FTP Server: when selected, files generated during data extract channel execution will be available via FTP, irrespective of the default SFTPLocation configuration setting. Choosing this value makes the Export path format button and FTP location fields visible.

  • External Content Provider: selecting this value makes the Export path format and External content provider fields visible. If selected, the export file will be made available at the selected provider.

  • Database Table: rather than data being written to file, when this option is selected, data is instead written to a database table. When selected, the following sections are not shown and the Extract Table Name section is shown instead:

    • Extract Filename

    • Compression Options

    • Encryption Options

    • Production Suppression Options

Append to existing

This checkbox is visible and available when Location type is set to Network Path. It is unchecked by default.

  • When the property is checked, on production execution of a second data extract offer, or export activity using a data extract channel, when the following stipulations are realized:

  • The second activity follows an initial activity.

    • A custom extract filename is specified at both activities.

    • The filename is the same at both activities.

    • The first and second activities are either in the same, or separate, interaction workflows.

      …records are appended by the second activity to the main export file generated by the first. Separate sample and summary files continue to be generated by each activity.

Note that it is possible for the same record to be written, by separate activities, to the same export file more than once.

Note also that no validation is performed at the Interaction Designer to ensure that the format of files generated by both activities are identical.

Export path format

Specifies the format of the export path. This button is visible and available when Location type is set to Network Path, FTP Server, or External Content Provider. You can select to change the format; doing so displays the Design Export Path Format dialog (covered separately). Once set, a read-only representation of the export path example is shown on the button. Provision of an Export path format is mandatory if Location type is set to Network Path. If Location type is set to Network Path, the folder is created on the RPI server at runtime (if it does not already exist). If set to an absolute path, it is created as such. If set to a relative path, it is created within “C:\Windows\System 32”. If Location type is set to FTP Server, the folder is created as a relative path at the root of the FTP server (if it does not already exist).

FTP location

The location details of the FTP server. This field is visible and available when Location type is set to FTP Server. It is mandatory if available. A dropdown lists all currently-configured FTP locations. The default is selected if one exists.

External content provider

This mandatory dropdown field is visible and available when Location type is set to External Content Provider. It lists all configured external content providers. The default location is automatically selected.

Fail on copy error: this checkbox is unchecked by default. It is displayed when Location type is set to one of the following:

  • Use Default

  • FTP Server

  • External Content Provider

If checked, when unable to copy a file to an FTP site or external content provider, the activity performing the action fails.

Extract Filename

This section contains the following:

  • Use custom format: Defines whether a custom format will be used when generating filenames. A checkbox, unchecked by default. Checking makes the Custom format field available.

  • Custom format: The custom format to use when generating filenames. This button is visible and available when Use custom format is checked. You can select to change the format, which displays the Design Filename Format dialog (covered separately). Once set, the button displays a read-only representation of the filename example. Custom format is mandatory if available.

Compression Options

This section contains the following:

  • Zip full export file: this checkbox is unchecked by default. If checked, on activity execution, the full export file is zipped and made available in the Results Window's Files tab. Note that the unzipped file is also made available at the server. A validation error is raised if both Append to existing and Create zip file are checked concurrently.

  • Zip sample and summary files: this checkbox is also unchecked by default. It is disabled if Zip full export file is unchecked, or if Suppress sample file and Suppress summary file are both checked. When checked, export sample and summary files are included, along with the full export file, in a single zip file generated at export execution (taking into account settings at the Suppression Options section.

Encryption Options

This section contains the following:

  • Use PGP encryption: this checkbox allows you to specify that extract files generated using the channel will be encrypted using a public key. It is unchecked by default. Checking it displays the Public key file property. When PGP encryption is configured at a data extract channel, full export files generated using the channel are encrypted. Sample and summary files are not encrypted. PGP encryption is also applied when files are generated in Test mode, and when file compression is available.

  • Public key file: this property is shown when Use PGP encryption is checked. It is mandatory when displayed. It allows you to select a public key file to be used by the channel's PGP encryption. You can browse the Windows file system for a public key file. Having selected a public key file, you can clear your selection.

Suppression Options

This section contains the following:

  • Suppress sample file: a checkbox, unchecked by default.

  • Suppress summary file: a checkbox, unchecked by default.

If either or both of these options are checked, when the channel is utilized in production interaction execution, the files in question are not produced, irrespective of any setting at an export activity.

Extract Table Name

This section contains the following:

  • Use custom format: this checkbox, which is unchecked by default, defines whether a custom format will be used when generating table names. When checked, the Custom Format field is displayed.

  • Custom Format: this property, which is mandatory when shown, is displayed when Table Name Format is set to “Custom”. It defaults to the value “RPI_”. You can select the property to design the table name using the Design Table Name Format dialog. The value provided must be a valid database table name.

  • Days To Persist Table: this mandatory integer property represents the number of days after which the table will be removed by RPI Housekeeping. It defaults to 7, and accepts a range of values between 1 and 999.


This section contains the following:

  • Allow duplicates on resolution: this checkbox is unchecked by default. When the option is selected, at runtime, if the channel’s or export activity's export template, or the data extract offer, is configured with any cross-resolution attributes, deduplication is ignored, and multiple records for a single resolution key can be output in the export file.

  • Create exports in Test mode: this option allows you to define whether data is to be exported when a data extract offer, or export activity configured with a data extract channel, is executed in a Test interaction workflow. It is a checkbox, and is unchecked by default.

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