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Design Export Path/Filename Format dialog

The same dialog is used when designing a data extract channel’s export path or filename format. The dialog is named in accordance with its usage context.

The dialog contains the following:

  • Text parts toolbar: exposing the following options:

    • Add a new Text Part: invocation of this option displays a submenu:

      • Add String

      • Add Date part

      • Add Interaction name

      • Add Trigger name

      • Add Activity name

      • Add Offer name

      • Add Channel name

      • Add Offer channel name

      • Add Execution ID

      • Add Workflow ID

      • Add Audience ID

      • Add Test Indicator

        • This option facilitates customization of the path or filename by inserting the word “TEST” in the event that an interaction is run in Test mode, and extract files are produced. Selection of a submenu option adds a text part of the appropriate type to the Text parts list. The example cell code formats displayed at the bottom of the dialog and on the invoking button are updated immediately.

    • Move the selected Text Part up: this option is available when a text part other than the first in the list is selected. Invocation moves the text part up one position in the list. Example cell code formats are updated immediately.

    • Move the selected Text Part down: this option is available when a text part other than the last in the list is selected. Invocation moves the text part down one position in the list. Example cell code formats are updated immediately.

    • Remove the selected Text Part: this option is available when a text part is selected in the list. Invocation removes the selected text part and is not protected by “Are You Sure?”.

  • Text parts list: displays all text parts configured for the current context. For each, the following are displayed:

    • [Ordinal position indicator]: a read-only, system-supplied integer

    • [Text part type]: read-only

    • [Value]:

      • If a String text part: a text field is displayed, provision of a value within which is mandatory. The default value is blank. The value provided cannot contain illegal characters (e.g. '/').

      • If a Date text part: a dropdown is displayed, exposing DayOfTheMonth (default), DayNameShort, DayNameFull, Month, MonthNameShort, MonthNameFull, Year2Digits, Year4Digits, Hour, Minute, Second, and Millisecond. Examples default to the current date and time.

      • If another type of text part, the examples are shown as e.g. “[Interaction]”.

  • Example: a read-only field that displays an example of the export path or filename format. String values are displayed as entered. Date part values displayed in accordance with dropdown setting and show the current date and time. Other text parts are displayed as e.g. “[Interaction]”. The example’s maximum length is 100 characters. The example is also displayed at the invoking button.

  • Close: invocation of this button removes the dialog from display. Selecting off the dialog has the same effect.

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