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Folder actions

New folder

Creates a new folder within the folder in which the command was invoked. The new folder's name is New Folder, and is displayed immediately in edit mode, allowing you to change the default name if so desired. If New Folder already exists, an integer is appended to the folder name. This value may be incremented if required.

On creation of a new root folder, the Full Control permission is assigned at the folder to all user groups of which you are a member.

This option is available at external folders. See the toolbox’s Search tab documentation for more details.


This option allows you to rename a folder. A name must be supplied and can be a maximum of 100 characters in length.


This command reloads the contents of the current folder, and its descendent folders, from the tenant’s Interaction operational database.


Removes the folder in question from the RPI file system. This command is protected by an ‘Are you sure?’ dialog. You cannot delete a folder if it, or a descendent folder, contains one or more files.

This option is available at external folders. See the toolbox’s Search tab documentation for more details.

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