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Interaction Designer: Toolbox


The Interaction Designer contains the following elements.


The components toolbox section exposes a series of triggers and activities, grouped appropriately within separate sections.

These are used to build interaction workflows. The following groups are displayed:

  • Workflow controls

    • Manual

    • Scheduled

    • Recurring

    • Activity State

    • Delay

    • Wait for Event

  • Queue

    • Queue Listener

    • Queue Activity

  • Targeting

    • Batch Audience

    • Interactive Activity

  • Data Processing

    • Data Process

    • Data Transfer

  • Fulfillment

    • Broadcast

    • Control

    • Export

    • Offer

    • Decision Offer

  • Data Process Projects

    • Any configured data process projects with their Show in toolbox properties checked are listed in this section. If configured with a custom icon, that icon is used to represent them here.

  • Note

You can drag an activity from the toolbox activities section in order to drop it onto the Interaction Designer workspace. When you drag a queue listener activity onto the workspace, a queue activity is automatically added immediately downstream from the new queue listener.

Folder Search

The lower section of the Interaction Designer toolbox contains a Folder Search component. For more information, please see the Framework documentation.

The folder search is used to locate the files you need when building an interaction. You can drag files from the tabs onto the workspace for a number of reasons, each discussed separately elsewhere.

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