LiveRamp RampID Data Onboarding
The following channel-specific fields are shown for LiveRamp RampID Data Onboarding channels.
Service Credentials section
API base URL: this mandatory text field can be a maximum of 100 characters in length. It defaults to the value “” and allows you to specify the base URL used to connect to the LiveRamp distribution API.
API key: this password-masked text field can be a maximum of 100 characters in length. It allows you specify the API key that will be used to connect to the LiveRamp distribution API.
SFTP Credentials section
SFTP server host address: this mandatory text field accepts a maximum of 100 characters. It allows you to specify the LiveRamp SFTP server host address.
SFTP username: this mandatory text field accepts a maximum of 100 characters. It allows you to specify the username that will be used to connect to the LiveRamp SFTP server.
SFTP password: this mandatory, password-masked text field can be a maximum of 100 characters in length. It is used in conjunction with SFTP username when connecting to the LiveRamp SFTP server.
Folder path: this mandatory text field accepts a maximum of 1000 characters. It defaults to the value “onboard-idl” and allows you to specify the folder path to which LiveRamp onboarding files will be uploaded.
Export Settings section
Export template: you must select an export template for the channel, which defines its attributes and data format. You can browse for one, or populate the property using drag and drop. Having done so, you can open the latest version of the selected template in the Export Template Designer. You can also clear your selection. The selected export template's header row values must contain the value “RAMPID”.
Extract filename format: you can specify the format of the name of files generated using the channel using this property. The format is set using the Design Filename Format dialog, which is covered elsewhere in the documentation.
Allow duplicates on resolution: this checkbox is unchecked by default. If checked, and the selected export template contains cross-resolution attributes, multiple rows per resolution key are allowed.
Advanced tab
The following properties are exposed at the Advanced tab:
Enable trace: if checked, API requests and responses will be logged at offer execution using the channel.
The following message, displayed when the property is checked:
API call max. re-try: this integer property defaults to 10, and accepts a range of values from 5 to 60. It represents the number of retry attempts to be undertaken if a call to the provider's API fails.