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Outbound Delivery


The Outbound Delivery channel type provides a generic channel format for the implementation of custom channel solutions to clients’ requirements. An outbound delivery channel can optionally:

  • Generate an export file.

  • Support the provision of content.

  • Allow for the import of channel state results using an RPDM job.

  • Provide for the retrieval of state results via a web service.

When combined with a custom channel icon, the outbound delivery channel type provides great flexibility when integrating with bespoke channel contexts (e.g. Internet of Things, etc.).

The following channel-specific fields are shown for Outbound Delivery channels:

Content Settings section

This section allows you to configure the channel to optionally support the delivery of content. It exposes the following properties:

  • Use content: this checkbox is unchecked by default. When checked, the External folder, Recipient address key, Start tag and End tag properties are displayed.

  • External folder: this mandatory property is displayed when Use content is checked. It represents an external folder, to which embedded images will be uploaded during outbound delivery channel execution. Selecting the button allows you to choose an external folder using the External Folders dialog.

The folder lists currently-configured external content providers. You can select a folder and select OK to update the property. Selecting Cancel removes the dialog from display (selecting off the dialog has the same effect).

  • Recipient address key: this optional property allows you to specify an attribute, which can be used to uniquely identify an outbound delivery offer recipient. You can browse for an attribute or drag one in from the toolbox. Once an attribute has been selected, you can view its details in the File Information dialog. You can also clear your selection.

  • Start tag: this mandatory property, which represents the start delimiter tag to be used when authoring content for delivery through the channel. It defaults to the value "{{“ and can be a maximum of 10 characters in length.

  • End tag: this mandatory property, which represents the end delimiter tag to be used when authoring content for delivery through the channel. It defaults to the value "}}” and can be a maximum of 10 characters in length.

Extract Settings section

The properties within this section are identical to their equivalents at the Data Extract channel (unless otherwise documented). Please see that channel's details for further information.

  • Generate export file: this checkbox is checked by default. It defines whether an export file will be generated at channel execution. If checked, the following channel properties are displayed:

    • Export template: mandatory if shown.

    • Location type

    • Use custom name format

    • Custom name format

    • Suppress sample file

    • Suppress summary file

    • Allow duplicates on resolution

Channel States section

Exposing the following properties:

Import state results via DM

This checkbox, which is checked by default, allows you define whether an RPDM project will be used to import state results. If checked the RPDM Repository path and State results folder path properties are shown. If unchecked, the State import table property is displayed.

RPDM Repository path

This property is only displayed when Import state results via DM is checked. It represents the full path of the project in the RPDM repository that is to be used to import channel state results data. Its provision is mandatory.

State results folder path

This property is only displayed when Import state results via DM is checked. It represents the server folder path or share where state results data will be placed for processing by the import job. Its provision is mandatory.

State import table

This property is only displayed when Import state results via DM is unchecked. It represents the name of the database table in which delivery state results will be stored.

Delivery states

This property allows you to define optional states that can be reported as channel results and acted on by downstream activities. It consists of a toolbar and a grid.

  • Toolbar: exposing the following:

    • Add new Delivery State: selecting this button adds new a new delivery state to the bottom of the list. Its Name is set to “New state”, and Database field name to “Newstate” (both can be incremented to ensure uniqueness).

    • Move selected Delivery State up: this button is available when a delivery state other than the first in the list is selected. Selecting it moves the selected delivery state up one position in the list.

    • Move selected Delivery State down: this button is available when a delivery state other than the last in the list is selected. Selecting it moves the selected delivery state down one position in the list.

    • Remove selected Delivery State: selecting this button removes the currently-selected delivery state. An “Are You Sure?” dialog is not shown.

  • Grid: containing the following writeable columns:

    • Name: provision of a name for the delivery state is mandatory, and the supplied value can be a maximum of 100 characters in length. It must be unique within the channel.

    • Database Field Name: provision of a database field name is also mandatory. The value supplied must also be unique within the channel and can be a maximum of 50 characters.

    • Negative State: this checkbox, which is unchecked by default, allows you to define a delivery state as the negative of another through the specification of the same Database Field Name. When the channel's sync task runs, negative states are counted as the "opposite" of state results. For example:

      • Total count = 100

      • Opened = 10

      • Not opened (negative state) = 90

Web service URL

This optional text property allows you to define a callback service URL that will be used to collect the channel's delivery state results. It is only shown when Import state results via DM is unchecked. The property accepts a maximum length of 1000 characters.

POST requests made to the Web service URL are collated in the State import table. The web service itself is available in the RPI deployment files at:

DeploymentFiles\Plugins Services\OutboundDeliveryCallbackService

The body of a POST request to the web service must adhere to the following format:

"cid": "[CLIENTID]",
"rpid": "[RPCONTACTID]",
"statedetails": "[DELIVERYSTATE_DETAILS]",

Please note the following:

  • The value provided for [DELIVERYSTATE_DATABASEFIELDNAME] must match any of the channel's Delivery states' Database Field Names.

  • The statedetails and eventdate parameters are optional.

  • The Content-type of the POST request must be "application/json".

Save event files

This checkbox is unchecked. When checked, at execution, Outbound delivery event files will be moved to a “[Client ID]\Processed” folder. The following warning message is displayed when the property is checked “Checking this option will potentially persist PII on a Redpoint Interaction server”.

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