Tuple Data Type Support
RPI supports a Tuple data type at database column attributes. A tuple is a sequence of elements with a specific structure. Here is an example of a tuple value, which might be stored in a database column attribute: ('SPAM',99,4.52,'2017-10-01')
When you drag in an attribute with the Tuple data type to create a standard selection rule criterion, the following criterion types are available:
Compare to Constant
Compare to Attribute
When building a Compare to Constant criterion, and specifying a tuple value, the Edit Tuple Values dialog is displayed:

Each tuple element is displayed in a numbered list, with a value displayed at each. Data type-specific controls (String, Integer, Decimal, Date) facilitate data entry at the same.
Tuples are also supported as elements within database column values with the following data types:
Tuple: nested Edit Tuple Values dialogs are used to set values at the same.

Note that the following operators are not supported when building a tuple criterion at a Google BigQuery database: >, >=, <, <=.