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Standard Selection Rules

Standard Selection Rules are RPI’s most feature-rich tool for targeting records in a SQL data warehouse or auxiliary database.

For example, you might wish to target female customers, aged between 40 and 45, who all share a common demographic code. By setting up a standard selection rule that contains criteria defining gender, date of birth and demographic code, and by setting its resolution level to customer, you can determine the count of records (and therefore customers) that match your criteria. You can then use the standard selection rule in the construction of audiences , which are the basis for the execution of audiences within an interaction.  Standard selection rules also have a wide variety of applications elsewhere in RPI, each of which is covered separately.

Standard selection rules are managed, alongside analysis panels, Realtime decisions and decision scorecards, in the Rule Designer. Only standard selection rules are covered in this documentation. All other file types are documented separately. The Rule Designer itself is also documented independently.

Standard selection rules are available when running against a SQL data warehouse, or when at least one SQL auxiliary database is configured at the current RPI tenant.

This section details features of standard selection rules that are specific to the file type. Details of features shared between standard selection rules and other files supported in the Rule Designer can be found in that interface’s documentation.

In this section:

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