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Coupon project reference guide

Revision history:



Pages affected in section

16 Oct 2024

  • Updated RPDM Repository

  • Added minor clarifications

10 Oct 2024

Initial publication



This section is a reference for implementing a solution to assign coupons within Redpoint Interaction (RPI) using Redpoint Data Management (RPDM). It is intended to give you a starting point or template to begin with, which you can modify to your specific needs. This section provides the information you need to set up this process and support any modifications that are specific to your implementation.

In this section:

This documentation was created using Microsoft SQL Server as the primary database, although other supported databases can be used to support the specific database technology, with minor changes.

Example Use Cases:

  1. Assign a unique coupon per individual, one code per person – Product registration

  2. Assign a single coupon per segment, multiple individuals same code – Free shipping


  • RPDM Operational API (OAPI)

    • RPI uses the RPDM Operational API to trigger projects within RPDM and is a requirement for using Data Process Projects.

  • SQL Server instance accessible to RPDM

    • Some features require a SQL Server Database to use the features:

      • Debugging feature: helps when testing and troubleshooting the RPDM project that performs coupon assignment.

      • Coupon over allocation: helps to prevent the same coupon from being assigned to more than one target. This is only relevant when multiple RPI campaigns will use the same coupon pool/group to assign coupons from. In this case, the feature will help to mitigate allocating the same unique coupon more than once.

    • RPI Operational Database Server can be used to support these features if the Operational Databases are running in SQL Server.

Coupon assignment primary components

There are configurations that need to be done in RPDM, RPI, and in the database(s), depending on the deployment.

There are two major components to assigning coupons to marketing segments:

  1. Loading coupons: RPDM is used to load the coupon codes to the coupon pool table.

  2. Assigning/using coupons: RPI and RPDM are used to assign coupons to specific targets

Coupon assignment support logic

This document and supporting projects outline the ability to assign coupons using both Individual and Group level coupon-assignment. There is an assumption that the main resolution key for this example is PID (Person ID), and Individual is the resolution/audience that is used when assigning coupons. We will see options where multiple resolutions can also be used with this solution with some minor adjustments.

Individual level assignment

  • If an individual is in a segment where the coupon type is Individual, each unique member of the segment will receive a distinct coupon code from within the pool allocated to the promotion code 

  • Segments/outputs can have the same or different promotion codes

  • Once assigned to a recipient, the coupon code must never be assigned again

Group level assignment

  • Each segment (audience output) with a coupon type of Group is associated with a promotion code, and everyone in that segment receives the same voucher/coupon code taken from the pool of available coupons under that promotion code

  • The same campaign could have multiple segments

  • Multiple segments could be assigned the same promotion code or different promotion codes

  • Once assigned to a group, a coupon code must never be assigned again

Supporting tables

To assign coupons, we need two base tables to support the process:

  1. Coupon Pool Table: Table which stores the list of available coupons and their promotion codes, which is the reference to the group of codes

  2. Coupon Assignment Table: Supports the assignment of codes and associating those codes to the resolution key and the workflow/dataflow that was used to assign the coupons and make them available for extract or to be used in digital content

Next steps

The next topic, Configuring RPDM and RPI to assign coupon codes, will walk you through the configuration steps necessary to assign coupons.

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