AO Combined Match Report
This reporting macro provides four different summary outputs. Each one produces a different data report. This information is useful for examining the processing results of a project that performs both address correction and matching.
Advanced Object (AO) Combined Match Report takes a single stream as input and produces up to six different outputs:
"B" Match: outputs the same information as AO Match Report.
"C" Match: outputs the same information as AO Cross-Source Summary Report.
"I" Match: outputs the same information as AO Internal Match Dupe Report.
"M" Match: output the same information as AO Match Report By Source.
AO Cross-Source Match Report and AO Cross-Source Record Count Report can be written to files.
AO Combined Match Report configuration parameters
AO Combined Match Report has two sets of configuration parameters: Input and Output.
AO Combined Match Report Input tab
Parameter | Description |
Match ID | (Required) Refers to the Match ID generated from a matching process. For correct reporting, this will assume empty (null) values are Unique (U) and calculate single source only matches (S) and multi-source matches (M) based on the Source value.
Source | (Required) Source name, typically assigned using AO Define Source.
Priority | (Required) Match Rank Priority value. This is typically assigned using AO Define Source and determines a record's position in a match group. This will determine which source receives the "Master" designation in multi source matches. If you have used AO Match Append Info already, use the output Group Order field as the priority. This will eliminate the need for tie-breakers.
Master record
Values in text fields sort in alphabetical order, even if the characters are numbers. Numbers are sorted by the first digit, then by the second digit, and so on, instead of by the numeric values. Thus "12" will appear before "7". Check data types or use leading zeros ("07") to ensure correct tie-breaking. Most text fields have a limit of 100MB.
Field | Description |
Random priority | Uses random sorting as final tie-breaker. This option may generate different results for each run. If this is option is not selected, the final tie-breaker is the input record order.
Tie-breaker field 1 | The first field used to break priority ties.
Order 1 | If ASCENDING, then lower values of Tie-breaker 1 field will have higher priority.
Tie-breaker field 2 | The second field used to break priority ties.
Order 2 | If ASCENDING, then lower values of Tie-breaker 2 field will have higher priority.
Tie-breaker field 3 | The third field used to break priority ties.
Order 3 | If ASCENDING, then lower values of Tie-breaker 3 field will have higher priority.
Select reports
The reports to be generated:
Cross source match report writes output to the file you specify on the Output tab.
Cross source record count report writes output to the file you specify on the Output tab.
Match report by source writes output to the "M" connector.
Match report writes output to the "B" connector.
Internal match dupe report writes output to the "I" connector.
Cross source summary report writes output to the "C" connector.
AO Combined Match Report Output tab
Parameter | Description |
Cross source match output | Name and location to write AO Cross-Source Match Report.
Cross source record output | Name and location to write AO Cross-Source Record Count Report.
Configure AO Combined Match Report
Select the AO Combined Match Report icon.
Go to the Input tab on the Properties pane.
Select Match ID and choose the field containing the match ID generated by the upstream matching process.
Select Source and choose the source name, typically assigned using an upstream AO Define Source macro.
Select Priority and choose either the Match Rank Priority field (assigned by upstream AO Define Source) or Group Order field (assigned by upstream AO Match Append Info).
Optionally, select Suppress flag and choose the field indicating whether the source is used for suppression. This is typically assigned using AO Define Source.
Optionally, select Random priority to use random sorting as final tie-breaker rather than input record order.
Optionally, select Tie breaker field 1 and choose a field to be used as final tie-breaker.
Select Order 1 and choose Ascending or Descending sort order. You may add up to three tie-breaker fields.
Select the reports to be generated:
Cross source match report writes output to the file you specify on the Output tab.
Cross source record count report writes output to the file you specify on the Output tab.
Match report by source writes output to the "M" connector.
Match report writes output to the "B" connector.
Internal match dupe report writes output to the "I" connector.
Cross source summary report writes output to the "C" connector.
If you selected Cross source match report and Cross source record count report in step 8, you may optionally select the Output tab and specify a name and location to write these reports.
Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.