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Sample projects and automations: Automation


The automation projects in the repository folder Samples\Automation demonstrate the use of the Review, DetectFormat, User Interface steps, and the For Each and While groups. Techniques and use patterns include:

  • Soliciting user input

  • Reading multiple input files, identifying data and unifying formats, and then writing the data to different locations

  • Parameterizing and running a project over a variable set of data or alternate inputs

  • Monitoring a directory and moving new files from the watched directory to a target directory

  • Selecting a file and passing it as a parameter to an embedded project

  • Chaining projects together in a single automation and running them in sequence


The sample automation project BasicReview demonstrates the use of the Review step. When run, the project reads data from a specified file and then pauses the automation and solicits user action of the data. The user may review the data, optionally editing two fields, and then save the reviewed data and pause the project, save the data and continue the project, or cancel the project.


The sample automation project DetectFormats demonstrates the use of the DetectFormat step. When run, the project reads multiple input files, identifying the data and unifying the formats, and then writes the data to appropriate locations.


The sample automation project ForEachDepartment demonstrates how to use a User Interface step and a For Each group to parameterize and run a project over a variable set of data or alternate inputs. When the automation is started it asks the user to enter a list of values, then runs an embedded project once for each value.


The sample automation project ForEachFile demonstrates configuring a User Interface step to select a file and pass the file as a parameter to an embedded project. When the automation is started it asks the user to browse to a file, then runs the Profiler macro on the specified file.


The sample automation project FileMoverService demonstrates how to use a While group to "watch" a directory and move new files from the watched directory to a target directory. This is useful for staging uploaded files for further processing.


The sample automation project FileSelect demonstrates using a User Interface step to select a file and pass it as a parameter to an embedded project.


The sample automation project MultiStep demonstrates how to "chain" projects together in a single automation and run them in sequence. You can abort the automation while it is running and resume it later, even after closing and reopening the automation project. Completed steps are not repeated unless you rewind the automation.

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