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Azure channels

Azure Push Notification

The following channel-specific fields are shown for Azure Notification channels:

  • Notification hub name: a mandatory field, which can be a maximum of 100 characters in length.

  • Connection string: also mandatory, the Azure notification hub’s connection string can be a maximum of 500 characters.

  • Send msg as entire JSON payload: this checkbox is unchecked by default. When checked, messages sent using the channel will use a JSON-formatted payload.

  • Notification lifetime: represents the length of time for which the channel will attempt to resend messages when devices are unavailable. This optional property consists of a numeric field, which defaults to 0, and a dropdown, exposing the following values:

    • Hours (default)

    • Days

    • Weeks

  • Tags: this optional text property allows to provide a comma-delimited set of tag values. When using the channel, messages will only be sent to devices with the tags.

  • Also use registered tags: this checkbox is unchecked by default. When checked, the Load tags button and Registered tags property are available.

  • Load tags: this button is available when Also use…is checked. Selecting it populates the Registered tags field.

  • Registered tags: this property lists all of the registered tags associated with the selected Azure Notification channel. For each, the following are displayed:

    • Is selected: a checkbox, which is unchecked by default. When checked, subscribers who registered with this tag will receive notifications via the selected channel.

    • Tag name
      You can right-click the Registered tags list to a context menu exposing the following options:

    • Select All: on invocation, all the tags in the list are selected.

    • Select None: on invocation, all the tags in the list are deselected.

Azure Push Direct Notification

The following channel-specific fields are shown for Azure Push Direct Notification channels:

  • Recipient address: an attribute, which is used to uniquely identify recipients of Azure Push Direct Notification offers. Provision of an attribute in this context is mandatory. Having selected an attribute, you can view its details. You can also clear your selection.

  • Notification hub name: a mandatory field, which can be a maximum of 100 characters in length.

  • Connection string: also mandatory, the Azure Push Direct notification hub’s connection string can be a maximum of 500 characters.

  • Send msg as entire JSON payload: as Azure Notification channel.

  • Notification lifetime: as Azure Notification channel.

Advanced tab

The following properties are exposed at the Advanced tab:

  • Enable trace: if checked, API requests and responses will be logged at offer execution using the channel.

  • Personalized content queue: this mandatory property allows you to specify a queue provider to which generated personalized content will be sent. Selecting the accompanying button displays a Queue Providers dialog, in which are listed queue providers configured at the current RPI tenant. You can select a queue provider and select OK to confirm your choice. Selecting Cancel removes the dialog from display (selecting off the dialog has the same effect). Have chosen a queue provider, you can clear your selection.

  • Personalized content queue path: this mandatory text property allows you to specify the Queue provider path to which the generated personalized content will sent.

Additional resources

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