Channels - General tab
The General tab is shown for all channel types. The General tab exposes the following properties:

Name: an updateable text field that may be a maximum of 100 characters in length. Name is mandatory and must be unique across all channels.
Description: an optional, updateable field that may be a maximum of 1000 characters in length.
Enabled: this checkbox is checked by default. When a channel is unavailable, it is not available for use elsewhere in RPI (e.g. in an offer activity).
Delivery method: read-only, having been selected at channel creation.
Default channel: a checkbox that is unchecked by default. Is default indicates whether the channel is added automatically to an offer or broadcast activity if the activity supports the channel’s delivery method. Only one default channel per delivery method is allowed.
Activity icon style: this property allows you to specify the type of icon to be displayed when the channel is used in an activity in the Interaction Designer. A dropdown, it exposes the following values:
Use default activity icon
Use delivery method icon (the default)
Use channel icon
The value selection is reflected when a single-delivery method offer or broadcast based on the channel is created at the Interaction Designer.
Channel icon: by default, the following text is displayed at this property: “Using default icon. Click here to change”. Selecting the button displays the Choose Custom Channel Icon Windows file system dialog, which is constrained to display Image files only. You can choose an image file and select Open to set the property. Having done so, an icon-sized representation of the selected image is displayed at the Channel icon property. You can select the image to redisplay the Windows file system dialog in order to change it.
A Clear custom icon button is displayed to the right of the custom icon image. Selecting it removes the icon image from display and redisplays the “Using default...” text.
The selected custom icon is reflected at the Channels list. In addition, if the channel's Activity icon style is set to Use channel icon, if the channel is configured with a custom Channel icon, and a single-delivery method offer or broadcast is displayed the Interaction Designer, the activity is represented using the custom icon. The custom icon is also displayed at the Offer Activity Channel Configuration dialog.
Linked nodes: this property allows you to associate the channel with one or more nodes from the current tenant’s organization hierarchies. When a channel is tied to organization node(s) in this way, and configuration setting
is set to true, a user not associated with at least one of the nodes in question will be unable to make use of the channel at runtime. Full details of such restrictions can be found in relevant contexts elsewhere in the documentation.
On the property’s initial display, the button Choose nodes is shown. Selecting the button displays the Select Organizational Nodes dialog. Each organization hierarchy, and the tree of nodes that it contains, are displayed. Each is accompanied by a checkbox (unchecked by default). You can check the nodes to be associated with the channel, and then select the OK button to confirm your selection. You can also select Cancel to remove the dialog from display.
Connectivity test: a button, Create new job to test this channel is provided if appropriate for the channel type.
The button is unavailable when unsaved changes are present (in which case the button’s text is changed to "Save this channel to test connectivity").
Selecting the button creates a Connectivity test job and displays it in the My Jobs Dialog. Full details of the job and Dialog can be found in the My Jobs documentation.
Targeted warning threshold: this property allows you to define a limit which, when the number of messages sent by an activity using the channel exceeds the value supplied, triggers the sending of an alert email. An integer field, it defaults to blank, and accepts a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 9,999,999,999.
Filter: a channel’s Filter determines whether a given record can receive communications via the channel. If a record is selected by the Filter’s linked selection rule, communication with the person represented by that record is possible via that channel. In this way, the Filter can be used to determine via which of the channels in a multi-channel offer a customer or prospect will be contacted: channels are listed in priority order, and contact will be made using the first applicable channel (as determined by its filter). If a filter is not applied to a channel, all records may be contacted via that channel.
To configure the channel’s Filter, you can select a recently-used selection rule, or browse the folders in the RPI file system to which you have access to locate a selection rule. When you do so, the File System Dialog displays only selection rule files. You can also drag a selection rule from the toolbox and drop it directly onto the property.
Note that you cannot choose a selection rule with an auxiliary database resolution level.
You can clear the filter, which removes the association between the channel and selection rule. You may also display the selection rule in the Rule Designer by selecting Open latest version. If a Designer instance is already open, the rule is shown there; if not, it is shown in a new instance.
Filter is accompanied by the following text: “Determines whether a contact can be targeted via this channel”.
Note that any changes to a filter selection rule are not picked up by the channel until the channel is re-saved.
You cannot use an anonymous auxiliary database-resolving selection rule as a channel's Filter.
Region/Language code: this optional property is set using a string attribute (Exists in Table and Parameter attributes are not supported). It allows you to specify a customer attribute containing a region or language code, which RPI can use to localize content created in the Text and HTML Asset Designers. For more information, please see those contexts' documentation.