Facebook Audience Data Onboarding
The following channel-specific fields are shown for Facebook Audience channels:
User ID: this optional attribute file property represents an ID used to uniquely identify users uploaded to the Custom Audience. You can browse for an attribute, or populate the property using drag and drop. Once populated, you can view details of the selected attribute in the File Information Dialog. You can also Clear the property.
App ID: a mandatory text field, which can be a maximum of 100 characters in length. The property represents the Facebook app ID bound to the channel.
App secret: a mandatory text field, which can be a maximum of 100 characters in length. The property represents the specified Facebook app's app secret.
Facebook action: two checkboxes accompany this property, which allows you to define the types of Facebook activity supported by the channel. Selection of at least one checkbox is mandatory.
Custom Audience: this checkbox is checked by default. When checked, the following properties are shown:
Customer file source, Custom audience list limit.
The following property is hidden:Save data files
Offline Event: this checkbox is unchecked by default. When checked, the following properties are shown:
Save data files
The following properties are hidden:Customer file source, Custom audience list limit
App permissions: a mandatory text field, which can be a maximum of 1000 characters in length. The property defaults to the value "ads_management,business_management", and represents the scope of permissions required by the specified Facebook app.
Redirect URI: this mandatory text field can be a maximum of 100 characters in length.
Account name: a mandatory text field, which can be a maximum of 100 characters in length. The property represents the name of the account to be used to login to Facebook.
Ad account: a dropdown field, which allows you to select the Ad account to be used for managing ads.
Customer file source: a dropdown field, exposing the following values:
User provided only
Partner provided only (the default)
Both user and partner provided
The property represents the source from which customer information will be obtained.
Custom audience list limit: this integer property defaults to the value 100. It allows you to specify the maximum number of Facebook Custom Audiences that will can be displayed in an offer.
Pre-hashed data: this checkbox is unchecked by default. If checked, it indicates that the data warehouse is using pre-hashed data, and hashing data should be skipped when uploading data to Facebook.
API version: this dropdown property exposes values “v21” (the default), “v20”, and “v19”. It must be set to the Facebook API version used by the channel's app.
Authorization: the connection to Facebook must be authorized. For more information, please see the Facebook channel documentation.
Save data files: this checkbox is unchecked by default. When checked, Facebook Offline Event data files will be moved to an external folder defined by the accompanying Data files external folder property (which is available when this property is checked). When checked, a warning message is shown, advising that checking the option will potentially persist PII on an RPI server.
Data files external folder: this property allows you to specify an external folder where generated data files will be saved. It is unavailable by default, and is available and mandatory when Save data files is checked. When the accompanying button is selected, a Data Files External Folder dialog is displayed. You can select an external folder from the same, which lists all currently-configured external content providers in a treeview, and select OK to confirm your choice. Selecting Cancel, or selecting off the dialog, removes it from display.
API call request timeout: this mandatory integer property is set to a value of 20,000 by default. It represents the period, in milliseconds, after which an API call request will time out.
API call retry period: this mandatory integer property is set to a value of 10 by default. It represents the maximum period, in minutes, for which retries will be performed when an API call encounters a retriable error.
Limited data use US states: this property is displayed only when the Offline Event Facebook action is selected. It allows you to specify a list of US states to associate with Facebook's limited data use feature, and consists of a toolbar and a list.
Toolbar: exposing the following:
Add: selecting this button adds a new, configured entry to the list.
Remove: having selected a list entry, selecting this button removes it without display of an "Are You Sure?" dialog.
List: each entry in the list exposes the following:
US state: this mandatory text property can be a maximum of 2 characters in length. It should be used to specify a state's 2-character ANSI abbreviation code.
Data processing code: this mandatory numeric property accepts values from 0 to 99999. The code is determined by Facebook; for example, 1000 is the code for California.
Inline Remove button
A single default list entry is provided (CA, 1000).
Advanced tab
The following property is exposed at the Advanced tab:
Enable trace: if checked, API requests and responses will be logged at offer execution using the channel.
A message is displayed when Enable trace is selected, saying “Enabling this option can impact performance and potentially persist PII data within the trace data”.