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RDBMS In-Database Processor


The RDBMS In-Database Processor tool executes a series of SQL statements on a series of records, with each statement obtained from an input field. The tool executes each statement in succession. No result set is returned from the SQL statements, and no processing is performed on the SQL statements. The statements are executed exactly as presented to the tool.

This can provide significant performance improvements over traditional approaches, which require that data be moved out of the database for processing and then pushed back to the database server.

RDBMS In-Database Processor tool configuration parameters

The RDBMS In-Database Processor tool has four sets of configuration parameters in addition to the standard execution options: Source, Options, Input, and Output.


The Source tab defines the connection to the RDBMS data source.



Use data connection

If selected, gets the connection parameters from the specified data connection in the Repository.


Select a database provider to configure appropriate connection options and set up a fill-in-the-blank grid for defining necessary parameters.


The Options tab controls a single logging behavior.


Connection string

Writes the connection string (command used to connect to a database) to the log. Useful for troubleshooting connection problems.


The Input tab specifies the field that passes SQL to the database.



SQL statement field

Input field containing SQL statements to execute.


The Output tab controls a variety of output options.



SQL rows affected field

Field added to each record in the output record stream containing a number (0+) that represents the number of records affected by the SQL for each record in the input record stream.

Copy input fields

If selected, all input fields are included on output.

Continue on SQL errors

If selected, continue processing after encountering an SQL error.

SQL result field

If you select Continue on SQL errors, field added to each record in the output record stream containing either OK or FAILURE, depending on whether the SQL operation was successful.

Configure the RDBMS In-Database Processor tool

  1. Select the RDBMS In-Database Processor tool.

  2. Go to the Source tab.

  3. Configure a database connection, or select Use data Connection and then select a data source from the list.

  4. Optionally, select the Options tab, select Override, and then select Connection string to writes the connection string (command used to connect to a database) to the log.

  5. Select the Input tab, and then select SQL statement field and select the field containing the SQL statements to be executed.

  6. Optionally, select the Output tab, and edit output options.

  7. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

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