Airship Push Direct
The following Channel Specific fields are shown for Airship Push Direct channels:
Audience ID: this attribute file property is optional. It represents the ID used to identify the device to receive notifications from Airship. You can select an attribute (using browse or drag and drop) from the RPI file system to match to a named Airship user, tag, device token or channel ID. Having selected an attribute, you can view its details in the File Information Dialog. You can also Clear your selection.
Audience selector: this dropdown list allows you specify the type of audience to which notifications will be sent. The following values are available:
Named user (the default)
Device token
Channel ID
Note that if you choose Device token, this will override any Targeted devices specified at the Airship offer, and messages will be sent to iOS devices only.
Base URL: this mandatory text property represents the API service URL used to connect to Airship. It can be a maximum of 100 characters in length, and defaults to ''.
Version syntax: this mandatory text property allows you to specify the API version to be used when connecting to Airship. It can be a maximum of 100 characters in length, and defaults to 'application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3;'.
App key: this mandatory text property represents the App key used to connect to Airship. It can be a maximum of 100 characters in length.
App master secret: this mandatory text property is used in conjunction with App key when connecting to Airship. It can be a maximum of 100 characters in length.
Send msg as entire JSON payload: as Azure Notification channel.
Notification lifetime: as Azure Notification channel.
Targeted devices: six checkboxes accompany this property and allow you to target the types of devices to which push notifications will be sent. All are unchecked by default.
All: checking this checkbox removes the others from display.
Advanced tab
The following Advanced fields are shown for Airship Push Direct channels:
Enable trace: if checked, API requests and responses will be logged at offer execution using the channel. HTTP POST or PUT requests' content are logged to the server log.
Note that when the property is checked, a message displays that says “Enabling this option can impact performance and potentially persist PII data within the trace data”.
Personalized content queue: this property allows you to select a queue provider from a list of the currently-configured Realtime Queue Providers, to which personalized content will be sent. Its provision is mandatory.
Personalized content queue path: having selected a queue provider, you must specify the path of the queue to be used at the same.