Eloqua Email
The following channel-specific fields are shown for Eloqua email channels:
Service URL: this mandatory text property accepts a maximum of 1000 characters. It allows you to specify the URL that will be used to connect to the Eloqua service.
Login URL: this mandatory text property accepts a maximum of 1000 characters and defaults to the value "https://login.eloqua.com". It allows you to specify the login URL to be used to connect to Eloqua.
Client ID: this mandatory text property accepts a maximum of 100 characters. It allows you to specify the client ID to be used to connect to Eloqua.
Client secret: this mandatory, password-masked text property accepts a maximum of 100 characters. It allows you to specify a client secret to accompany the provided Client ID.
Redirect URL: this mandatory text property accepts a maximum of 1000 characters. It allows you to specify the URL to which to redirect after authorization by Eloqua.
Authorization: the channel must be authorized before use. Follow the instructions in the browser Window to get an access token.
Custom suppression table
Suppression table name
Max. export batch size: this numeric property accepts a range of values between 500 and 25,000, and defaults to 1,000. It allows you to specify the maximum number of contact records to be written to an export file.
Import definition retention period: this dropdown property allows you to specify the period for which contacts' details will be retained in the Eloqua staging area. It exposes the following values:
"1 hour"
"7 days" (the default)
"2 weeks"
Email Group: this dropdown property is accompanied by a Refresh button, invocation of which retrieves email groups configured at Eloqua. It allows you to select an email group to be used to categorize email assets. Selection of an email group is mandatory.
Email folder: this property allows you select an Eloqua email folder to which email assets will be saved. The Choose email folder button is available when the channel has been authorized. When selected, a dialog displays a list of email folders as configured at Eloqua. You can select a single email folder and select the OK button to confirm your choice. Selecting Cancel closes the dialog. Having selected an email folder, you can clear your choice.
Campaign folder: this property allows you select an Eloqua campaign folder to which campaigns will be saved. The Choose campaign folder button is available when the channel has been authorized. When selected, a dialog displays a list of campaign folders as configured at Eloqua. You can select a single campaign folder and select the OK button to confirm your choice. Selecting Cancel closes the dialog. Having selected a campaign folder, you can clear your choice.
Dynamic content folder: this property allows you select an Eloqua dynamic content folder to which dynamic content will be saved. The Choose dynamic content folder button is available when the channel has been authorized. When selected, a dialog displays a list of dynamic content folders as configured at Eloqua. You can select a single dynamic content folder and select the OK button to confirm your choice. Selecting Cancel closes the dialog. Having selected a dynamic content folder, you can clear your choice.
Reply-to name
Data Field mapping: this grid facilitates the mapping of Eloqua fields to RPI attributes. A Load data fields button toolbar button is available once the channel has been authorized Selecting it loads the available list of data fields from Eloqua. If data fields have already been defined, an “Are You Sure?” dialog is shown. Having populated the field, the Clear all data fields button is shown (and protected by an “Are You Sure?” dialog when one or more data field has been mapped). For each data field, the following are displayed:
Field Name
Attribute: you can browse for an RPI attribute, or you can populate this property using drag and drop. Once an attribute has been selected, you can invoke View Information and Clear. You can only map a given attribute once, and you can only map database column attributes with appropriately-matching data types. You cannot map an attribute from an auxiliary database.