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Twilio SMS

The following channel-specific fields are shown for Twilio SMS channels:

  • Recipient phone: this attribute defines the field in which a contact’s cellphone number is stored. Provision of Recipient phone is mandatory, and the attribute’s data type must be string. You can browse for an attribute using the recent items chooser or File System Dialog. You can also drag an attribute from the toolbox and drop it directly onto the field. Once selected, you can clear the attribute, or view its details in the File Information dialog.

  • Account SID: a 34-character string ID that identifies the Twilio account or subaccount. This text field is mandatory.

  • Authorization token: the authorization token that accompanies the channel's Account SID for security purposes. A password-masked mandatory text field, the token may be a maximum of 100 characters in length.

  • Twilio number: the Twilio phone number from which messages will be sent. Long and short codes are supported. A mandatory text field that can be 100 characters in length.

  • Use numbers pool: this checkbox is unchecked by default. If checked, the Twilio number field is disabled, and the Service ID field is enabled (and vice versa).

  • Service ID: this text property is mandatory when enabled and accepts a maximum of 34 characters. It represents the ID of the Twilio messaging service at which the Co-pilot feature will be used to send messages using a numbers pool, rather than a single number.

  • Auto-suppress: checking this checkbox ensures that, at SMS channel execution, any individuals whose cellphone numbers are registered in the SMS suppression table are suppressed. By default, Auto-suppress is checked.

  • Custom suppression table: checkbox, default unchecked. This field allows you to specify that the SMS channel is to use its own custom suppression table, rather than the default SMS suppression table (defined by system configuration setting SMSUnsubscribersTable). Checking the field enables Suppression table name.

  • Suppression table name: this text field is enabled and mandatory when Custom suppression table is checked and can be a maximum of 50 characters. Any characters entered must be database-valid.

  • Allow survey responses: this checkbox is unchecked by default. If checked, the receipt of custom survey responses through the channel will be supported by the channel.

  • Maximum API call retry attempts: this numeric field allows you to specify the maximum number of attempts to retry a Twilio SMS operation when a failure occurs. It defaults to 10, and accepts a range of values from 1 to 100.

  • Minimum API call retry delay: this numeric field allows you to specify the minimum number of seconds between API call retries. It defaults to 1, and accepts a range of values between 1 and 600.

  • Maximum API call retry delay: this numeric field allows you to specify the maximum number of seconds between API call retries. It defaults to 10, and accepts a range of values between 1 and 600.

  • Event import batch size: this property allows you to specify the number of SMS events to be processed each time the channel synchronization task runs. It defaults to 10,000.

  • Retrieval period window: this property consists of two controls - a mandatory numeric field, which defaults to 13, and which accepts a range of values from 0 to 10,000, and a dropdown field, which exposes values 'Months' (the default) and 'Days. It allows you to define a time period, across which RPI will retrieve previous subscription history prior to offer execution. Note that this does not affect existing records already within the Twilio suppression table.

  • Email address: this optional string property allows you to define an email address, to which bulk export job notifications will be sent.

  • MMS upload folder: this property allows you to optionally specify an external folder to which MMS images will be uploaded. Clicking the Choose MMS upload folder button displays a dialog in which you can select a folder from within the currently-configured external content providers.

The following properties are exposed at the Advanced tab:

Enable trace: if checked, API requests and responses will be logged at offer execution using the channel.

Note the following message, displayed when the property is checked:

  • Personalized content queue: as SendGrid email channel.

  • Personalized content queue path: as SendGrid email channel.

The following property is exposed at the Web Adapters tab:

Web adapters: you can add a URL shortener adapter only to the channel.

When you create a new Twilio SMS channel, or when an existing Twilio SMS channel's Recipient phone field or suppression table details are changed, an orange message is displayed to top of the Twilio SMS channel interface:

When the message is displayed, at invocation of Save, a Validate channels job is created and displayed in the My Jobs Dialog. Full details of the job and Dialog can be found in the My Jobs documentation. The message is removed immediately on saving.

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